Thursday, November 2, 2023

This 'immigrant' shit has to end. Can't they see this?

There is no way that the Mexican government is not completely implicit in this kind of shit. They do nothing to stop them from forming. Someone somewhere is feeding these people. Maybe it's time to completely close the border entirely and cut off all aid to these motherfuckers. 
Yeah - that'll happen about two days after monkees start flying out of my ass and I join a minstral show.
The largest migrant caravan in a year, estimated to include some 7,000 people, is heading toward the US — and its leader claims President Biden has “dropped the ball” on immigration and allowed Latin American countries to “gang up” on his administration.
This latest caravan, comprising migrants from Cuba, El Salvador, Guatemala, Haiti, Honduras, and Venezuela, left southern Mexico on Monday, bound for the US border.
Officials in the Mexican state of Chiapas said some 3,500 people set off on foot from the city of Tapachula near the Guatemalan border — but one of the caravan’s organizers, Irineo Mujica, claimed there were around 5,000 in the initial group, and that that number had since swelled to more than 7,000.

More pictures and info here:


  1. Not only do they look well fed,it’s always bothered me that they look so clean and well clothed and shod. You’d think after such a “trek” they look a bit beat up

  2. yeah. it will end when the country is over run with them. funny, I think the clowns behind this shit think it will give them more power over us? not sure how, but that seems to be or looks like the plan. the clowns think by giving the illegals everything, they will do whatever they are told to do. one thing for sure. they do want to destroy the country
    as it is. and anyone with 2 brain cells is buying guns and ammo as this is not going to end well for anyone.
    once the money stops, are they going back home ? no. they going to start taking what they need/want.

  3. Two ways to handle this. First and best, have them met by armed troops to prevent them from leaving Mexico.Let them stay in Mexico and demand food, shelter, etc. Mexico will damn quick stop them from coming it. Second. Meet them with enough busses to haul everyone one of them to NYC, DC and surrounding areas, LA, Chitcagahole (especially the drug dealers and other criminals), Seattle, and Portland.

  4. Where do all those people shit?

  5. We're paying for this- State Department gives grants to NGOs and the UN who get them started from countries around the world and provide resources on the journey.


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