Saturday, November 11, 2023

Where's 'Peter 'Judgabootie when we need him?

US airlines are on course for one of the worst ever years for flight days, according to official data reviewed by Airlines racked up a million delays in record time in 2023 and nearly a quarter of flights so far this year have been held up, the figures for departures reveal. The dismal data adds to a list of other issues to blight the aviation industry this year, including a string of worrying near misses, a shortage of staff and the use of fake jet engine parts in dozens of large commercial aircraft. The findings also contribute to a grim outlook for the busy Thanksgiving period and holiday season, as tens of millions of Americans prepare to fly around the country to celebrate with loved ones.
Click the headline banner for the full story. 

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1 comment:

  1. He's too busy worrying about racist overpass heights that redline "People of Color".
    I don't think that's part of his job description.


The Blue Notes nailed it nearly 50 years ago...

  ...    ...     ...   ...   ...    ...    I'd say 'Shut up and sing', but he doesn't even sing anymore. WTF is it with thes...