Sunday, November 12, 2023

There is no way this guy - you're Prez - isn't fucked up on something...

The zombies in 'The night of the living dead' 
moved better than this guy does. WTF is he on?

President Biden needed stage directions from a military member during the solemn wreath-laying ceremony at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier during Veterans Day observances at Arlington National Cemetery Saturday. Biden required assistance from a member of the tomb’s honor guard to place the large floral arrangement on a stand set on the plaza in front of the memorial honoring America’s missing and unidentified war dead. 

He stepped back from the wreath and hesitated for a moment before making the sign of the cross on himself. He backed away, turned, and took several steps away from the wreath — and then turned back and approached the officer again. Then he backed away, turned, and took several steps away from the wreath — and then turned back and approaching the officer again.



Sometimes ya juss' gotta shake yer head...



There must be some serious money to be made on 
Public Television. Just ask Bawb Veella...
Of course it also helps if you marry a rich girl, too. America's favorite handyman (after me of course) and Home Improvement star Bob Vila, 77, has listed his Florida waterfront mansion for $59.2million as he and his wife have planned to downsize. The 0.84-acre property is located on Everglades Island, just off of West Palm Beach and measures at 6,300 square feet with seven bedrooms. The home also includes approximately 175ft of water amenities including a pool, hot tub and private dock. 
Vila and his wife Diana Barrett, a former Harvard University Professor, purchased the home from her late mother for $6.1million after Barrett's parents purchased it in 1975 for $375,000. Their son Chris is the listing agent for the house.


I'll almost guarantee you your father knew a guy 
who had one of these. Juss' sayin'...

Sometimes, an unexpected little gift
is the best gift of all to give...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:
A bartender I know served as a volunteer for a year 
with the IDF when he turned 21 - that was 25 or so years ago. he just re-upped and is on his way to Tel Aviv. That takes some kinda balls for a guy his age. Good for him - I hope he he makes it back out alive and in one piece.

Again - this is another one it took me a full minute to get. 
I think Al's Hammers is starting to set in.

Okay, but is there ever a time when the opposite is true? Asking for a friend...


Pardon my alliteration, but I guess it doesn't pay to piss off the Pope. Pope Francis has dismissed a bishop in Texas, Joseph Strickland, one of his fiercest critics among US Roman Catholic conservatives. It is very rare for a bishop to be relieved of his duties outright. Usually bishops in trouble with the Vatican are asked to resign before submitting a resignation, which the pope accepts.
A pope only makes such a move when a bishop refuses a request to resign and is considered drastic. Strickland is 65, 10 years shy of the usual retirement age for bishops. Strickland had said earlier this year that he would refuse to resign if asked. Strickland, a prolific user of social media who was named to the diocese by the late pope, Benedict XVI in 2012, tweeted earlier this year that he rejected Francis’ “program undermining the Deposit of Faith”.



  1. I am sure not taking moral advice from a group that has been sexually abusing kids for over 75 years! Let me suggest that if you are a mainline Catholic YOU are supporting paedophilia.

    1. No. The Bishop is one of those who attacks the Church's response to sexual assaults. He also calls out the antiPope for his support of the 'Lavender Mafia' in the College of Cardinals.

      A lot Catholics are highly torn between respect of the Church and the Church's actions over the years.

      I'm a mainline Catholic. I do not support pedophilia.

      That statement of yours is like saying supporting public education means you are supporting pedophilia. Or supporting the medical system means you are supporting pedophilia. Both of which have far higher instances of crimes against children, from sexual to mental to physical, than the Catholic Church.

  2. For a moment in time, on live TV, THE President of the United States clearly lost his place in the world. Lord help us. Our enemies are watching.

    "Where am I? What do I do?"

    "Sir, First breathe and don't shart yourself. People are watching. Walk back over there. Yes, over there by your day nanny. Good boy."

  3. I hope your buddy makes it back in one piece as well. But given the choice of a 21 year old making it back in one piece and a 46 year old making it back, I'm routing for the 21 year old first. It's too bad the real idiots in the game are not at risk (and I'll let everyone decide who they think the real idiots are).

  4. Whoever wants to buy Bob Villa's FL house better go see that judge in NY to get a proper valuation first
    Mark in PA


Yeah - where is the fuckin' government?

  Click on this screen cap to hear this short report on X: The original article in Breitbart is here: