Wednesday, November 29, 2023

Put down that burger - you're killing the planet! Really?

I can't get my head around the size of the egos of most of these people. These highly-paid blowhards live the life of Rielly at their tax-payers' expense and think they're smarter than the rest of us. 
There's a UN agency that says it oversees food and agriculture policy and it's expected to issue a 'road map' in the coming weeks which will call on  America to dramatically reduce its meat consumption.
The UN’s Food & Agriculture Organization's  first-of-its-kind document will recommend nations that “over-consume meat” to limit their consumption as part of a broader effort to reduce greenhouse gas emissions.
According to these geniuses, the 'failure of leading meat and dairy companies to reduce emissions underlines the urgent need for more policy focus on the food and agriculture sector.'
It's frightening to listen to people like this, isn't it?

When he said that's probably about when they went wrong...


It's not about the font, it's about kerning. 
Don't know what 'kerning' is? Google it.

This is a public library in Stuttgart, Germany. How fuckin' cool is this place? 
Only thing I can see that's remiss maybe is there doesn't look like there's a 
lot of seating and tables.

This is last night's 'Dame to Name'. She was an American model 
and actress who died in 1999. Her name was Marguerite Chapman. 
That is one incredibly beautiful woman. And yes, I did 
the colorization, not some AI shit. This is the original B&W pic:


One guy has made cutting carbon emissions his state’s top policy priority while our guy here in the Sunshine State has prioritized energy production. The Gubernator of FruitsandLandia made his state the most welcoming sanctuary jurisdiction for migrants from all over the world. The other signed one of the nation’s strictest anti-illegal immigration laws ever.
The media exposure that DeSantis is going to get from this is incalculable, so sure he'd be all over it, right? So - why is Gavin okay with this idea? I t smells to me like his sticking his toe in to test the waters for him displacing Biden. What say you?

One man's shit is another guy's treasure...

This is what happens when supply out-strips demand. 
Especially when the 'demand' is jammed down our throats...
This whole EV'green energy' bullshit program has been forced upon an unwilling and disinterested public, but a million idiots will still buy in to it next year. The problem is, the manufacturers need to sell two million to remain profitable. 


A one-of-a-kind Christmas gift
is the best gift of all to give.
Surprise her (or yourself) with your good taste...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's only $ 48.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:


  1. Those UN decisions of course were all made during a well provided steak dinner.

  2. Newsom is doing the debate as a national introduction. After the democratic convention, when Biden drops out and the DNC can handpick his replacement, Newsom will step in; possibly with Big Mike as his VP.

  3. Sorry Dag, but no human organization can stop humanity's slide to hell. Only Jesus can do that. That's what He came for, but lots of folks ignore Him. But He called that, too. He said the road to hell is wide and most folks are on it. The road to Heaven is narrow and few find it. As we see, Jesus continues to be correct.

  4. I call on the UN to leave the US. It's nothing but a whorehouse of socialists and communists looking for Western Civ to give them a payday. Their new HQ should be in Mogadishu.

  5. The EU has enough problems without trying to preach to us here about how we eat. We can simply passify them by saying it's Halal.


The girls from Riverdale don't mind strutting their 'stuff...

Had to edit out the details so I can keep the blog...