Thursday, November 16, 2023

On what planet do these people think doing what they're doing will do anything ?

Hundreds of demonstrators in Los Angeles shut down a stretch of Hollywood Boulevard on Wednesday afternoon in a protest demanding Joe Biden and US lawmakers call for an immediate ceasefire in Gaza. In the heart of Hollywood, along the palm tree-lined streets near Ripley’s Believe It or Not! and the Walk of Fame, protesters waved Palestinian flags and held signs – “not in our name” and “let Gaza live”. 
More than 1,000 people gathered in the rain, including a group that staged a sit-in at the intersection with flowers in hand and shirts reading “Jews say ceasefire now” as tourists watched. “We demand an end to the killing and the return of the hostages,” one speaker said. “Ceasefire now.”
To which I replied 'Standing up and yelling like that is akin to pissing in the ocean and thinking you'll have an effect on the fish. I swear to god entirely too many people have entirely too much free time. Those of us that aren't assholes do shit like playing golf or fixing shit around the house when we have nothing else to do. These assholes go out and block traffic thinking they're making a difference when all they're doing, in fact, is being assholes and blocking traffic. Juss' sayin'...


I think it was my oldest brother Bob who used to somehow 'acquire' 
these books  for my mother and father. My father especially was a Peanuts nut, and there was always at least one or two of these in the bathroom at their house at all times. We'd go in to take a dump and not come out for 20 minutes. We can't have been alone in this kinda behaviour, could we?


So I read this and think things like who the fuck would answer a 
question like this from a stranger, and then it hits me... 
What the fuck is the Center on Disease Control doing doing a research study on lesbianism and it's causes? Did someone there make a determination that lesbianism is a disease and not let us know about it?





You know, Christmas is less than six weeks away.
Sometimes, a little, heart-felt gift
is the best gift of all to give...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's  one-of-a-kind, only $ 55.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:
And yes -  that was the actual headline of the actual article 
in Esquire Magazine. Google it for yourselves - the images in 
my pre-adolescent brain won't let me...


You'll forgive me for asking, but who the fuck 
doesn't like mashed potatoes?



  1. Isn't it odd that all these protests for or against something or other that seem to spontaneously occur all have t-shirts and flags and preprinted posters to match the cause? Almost as if they had been planned weeks or months in advance. And who pays for all this prepared and stockpiled paraphenalia? Almost seems as if this is scripted movie we are living in. Doesn't it? Just saying.

  2. Protesters in Hollywood no to protest in Gaza.

  3. Pretty sure we had the first 4 of those Peanuts books. There were many BC and Wizard of Id one too.

    Cranberry sauce from a can is not that good, really. And it's very simple to make your own from whole berries and cane sugar. You can make it as sweet or as bitter as you want, or add Mandarin oranges, or crushed walnuts, or whatever you want. I see TV ads this season showing people doing the cranberry wiggle dance, and how wonderful a cylinder of high fructose corn syrup jelly is. As a kid, serving the canned stuff straight from the can was considered really low class.

    I know some people don't like turkey, but what sane person over the age of 13 objects to any of the rest of it? Ok, to me the classic Depression-era green bean casserole made with canned beans, Campbell's cream of mushroom soup, and the can of Durkee fried onions is pretty vile. But the dish itself can be very good if you make most of it from scratch, or even trade the dried up canned onions for caramelized ones. Thanksgiving is a feast of excess, and an opportunity for friends and family to turn out their best efforts. The relative who brings the Karft mac & cheese should be carefully watched from then on for signs of selfishness, laziness, cold-heartedness, etc. Same goes for cousin Gina who always gets desserts from the Italian bakery, because it's too much bother to create some love in a pot for everyone. OTOH, we know she's an awful cook, so we forgive her. Mostly. But her husband brings cheap wine, which they drink in large glasses with ice cubes. Gak.

    OTOH, they just want me there for my bread. I walk in the door and 20 people are like "Did you bring the Drew bread?" because I make excellent sourdough. And it's gone in 5 minutes. Not one of them can mix flour, water, and yeast? Come on. My whiskey pecan pie goes pretty quick at dessert time too. Same for my stuffing, which is as much pork and extra bits as it is bread cubes. I only bring a medium bowl of that, as the hostess makes her own, which is usually some mung bean, kale, and organic ick that tastes a little better than eating cigarettes.

    Wife always makes a full size NY style lemon zest cheesecake, which is superb. And then all the women want a 1/16 of a slice, so we wind up bringing home half the thing, all mangled.

    Holidays are stressful, even right down to the food.

  4. Regarding Cranberry Sauce and punching a hole in the bottom to break the air seal and, yes, sometimes blowing air into hole to release the Sauce, doesn't everyone know about that.

    As to hated foods for Thanksgiving, I wonder who hates turkey, but then I remember how poorly my mother-in-law cooked hers (low low heat and basically steamed it for 20 hours. tasteless, dry and yucky to look at.)

    But apple pie? Communists!

  5. I love Cranberry sauce! Especially when I lick it off my wife's body.
    There's a lot to be thankful for!

  6. If you ever tasted my mom's mashed potatoes, you'd understand why some people hate them. It was very impressive how bad of a cook she was. Even my third cousins from several states away had heard of how horrible her cooking was.

    Me? I love mashed potatoes, just not her mashed potatoes.

  7. When are they going to demand that Hamas cease fire?



I'm not here, but...