Thursday, November 16, 2023

And now, from those lovely people who gave us covid masks and social distancing, comes this new absurdity...

The World Health Organization (WHO) has declared loneliness to be a pressing global health threat, with the US surgeon general saying that its mortality effects are equivalent to smoking 15 cigarettes a day. So, if I;m by myself and I smoke 15 cigs a day, does that mean I'll die twice as fast? Thank god these people are this focused on such important shit. 
Read this and see where the needle lands on your 'Get the fuck outta here' meter:


  1. I'm not lonely, I'm selectively anti-social.
    It's a choice, not a condition.

  2. Let us enrich the lives of the less fortunate - yet again - by sending those not retired or otherwise working, to bring joy and happiness throughout the lands so afflicted! They can be our ambasadors to Africa, Asia, and the Mid-Eastern states!

  3. "If we put the lonely people into camps, they won't be lonely anymore and we can put their houses, cars, etc. to better use."

  4. Lock a country down for that long might be the reason
    So are they going to come up with a jab for it..


I'm not here, but...