Saturday, November 11, 2023

Notes from my Father from somewhere in New Guinea, November, 1944...


In November of 1944 he had just turned 19 years old.


  1. Thanks to all who served and put it on the line for a country that couldn't keep the freedom and security they would appear that biden has allowed enough America haters into the country that civilians will eventually become the first line of defense backed up by the military....the sheer numbers of men from 18 to 30 walking in unopposed across the southern border will become attackers just like Hamas in Israel....All Americans who value their freedom and way of life need to be prepared to put it all on the line....keep your powder dry and be willing to take up's could we be so stupid as to allow the installation of a thing like joe biden backed up by the socialists of the democrat party, who will be the last ones to line up in defense of the nation....again, thanks to all those who went before us and defeated the fascists and nazis who threatened to rule us with an iron fist....what heroes they were....I'm quite sure they never though our own government would become those same fascist dictators....

  2. So much more was buzzing around in his head when he typed that, but he knew where to draw the line so as not to scare his family too much. A lot of us have been at his end of the letter.

    Your father sounds like a true honor to his family. Happy Veteran's Day!

  3. Thanks for posting such a great letter. My father was in Guadalcanal in 1942. He didn’t talk about it with civilians, only his neighbor who had been in the big European campaigns. Later, when he started pushing 80, he shared alot about his experiences as a rear gunner on a PBY “Black Cat”. My siblings and I took him to the opening of the WW11
    Memorial in D.C. and he had a great time meeting and exchanging stories with many of the other Vets for about 8 hrs. It really energized him. They did a nice job with the layout. I’m glad they finally got it built.

  4. Pretty cool for 19yo. I think my father would have saluted him.

    (Dad was in France and Germany, postwar. His horror story was not being able to help more survivors.)


Does this Dame have a Name?

Too easy to google. Dammit...