Saturday, November 18, 2023

I've said it before and I'll repeat myself - I'd love to work at this place...

These guys really must have helluva lotta fun doing what they do. 
How else would you want to spend your day if you could create 
the funny shit they do.
There really is a story behind this graphic (that I altered slightly to fit in with our kinda shit). You'll find it here:

Christmas is less than six weeks away and
 we'll be out of touch for the week prior to
 the 25th, so you might want to act now.
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's  one-of-a-kind, only $ 45.00 and that includes free shipping.
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:
Barbara will not be shipping any products after December 15th, so act now.



  1. I'm ready to send Eric Adams one red cent, but I don't have the address.

  2. Because socialism can't survive without capitalist money.

  3. Use you own money you fracken libturd bitch. That is the money you stole from American's producers to line your own pockets and your rear end buddies pockets.

  4. The NY fraud trial of Trump is wrong as there is no crime, the banks lending the monies had to determine the value of the properties the used as collateral, all monies loaned by the Banks were paid back on time by Trump's Company, so this is a political act. This should be a critical problem for NY city and state as business can see what is happening to Trump can happen to them. Business owners may like Trump or not like Trump but what is happening to him is a wake up to leave the city and state. Business and employees are leaving the city and state so are taxes.
