Thursday, November 16, 2023

Hey - if you wanna eat that shit, go right ahead. Count me out, though...

You can approve that shit as much as you want to. I doubt I'd eat it if even if I was starving, thank you. Juss' sayin'...
The New York Post reported that a Florida lawmaker has introduced legislation that would prohibit the production of lab-grown meat, arguing that the trend is an “affront to nature,” according to a report.
Hoping to shield Sunshine State farmers from the burgeoning industry, Florida state Rep. Tyler Sirois wants to outlaw what is known as “cultivated” meat made from cultured animal cells. Sirois told Politico that the the process is a politically motivated “affront to nature and creation” that needs to be put out to pasture.

“Farming and cattle are incredibly important industries to Florida,” Sirois said. “So I think this is a very relevant discussion for our state to have.”
The rest of the report is here:

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