Monday, October 9, 2023

Who's wall will it be - Biden's or Trumps?

 It really doesn't matter who gets the credit for the wall as long as it gets  built and does what we need it to do...  
The Biden administration has fast tracked plans to resume building a barrier along the US-Mexico border, in an admission of the severity of the migrant crisis. We don't care how or even why he's doing this, we just want the motherfucker built, don't we? He's been holding his dick on this thing for three years and in the meantime 7,000,000 of these fuckin' people have crept in the country and we're to friggin' tears of paying for their free ride.
Secretary of Homeland Security Alejandro Mayorkas announced late Wednesday that 20 miles of wall will be built in the Rio Grande Valley in Southeast Texas, citing an “acute and immediate need to construct physical barriers” to prevent more people from entering the country illegally. 
Okay Al, is this something new? How the fuck could you not have figured that out on day one?


Etsy is where you will find all of the jewelry my wife makes and where you can score a coupon code today and tomorrow only that'll save you ten bucks off of a purchase of $ 40.00 or more. They're doing a two-day promotion that's gonna start this afternoon and go for two days. This the notice that she get from Etsy:
It's complicated for the sellers, but super easy for you to use. The promo code is YES10. Copy it and use when when you check out for any item that's posted for $ 40.00 or meore. It's that simple.

So this bracelet that normally sells for $ 55.00 will 
cost you only $ 45.00 today and tomorrow...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:

Friends of ours were gushing (pun intended) about this new bidet thing they installed on their toilets, going on and on about the benefits and this and that and I was genuinely not impressed. I kinda made it clear to them I wasn't that interested in having something shoot water up my ass after I take a dump, and made that point very clearly to them. Well, three days later I get home from work and there's a box with a fuckin' brand-new bidet - with a ribbon tied around it - on the front porch (where are those porch-package thieves when  you need them?).
Well, we got a good laugh that night at the bar talking about it but seriously, the shit was getting old and we stopped talking about it. I made it clear to them that I'd never use the fuckin' thing and offered to give it back to them so they could get a refund for what they paid for it.

Now I'm the jerkoff - I'm an 'Indian Giver' or an ingrate or whatever the fuck. It's amazing how things get turned around. Remember when I said 'no good deed goes unounished'? Well, here I am.


Keeping track of all these illegals is also kinda like my old MOS - 
trying to herd cats, isn't it?

I know I used this yesterday but it's appropriate here also.


I know it might be hard to believe, but it's true. 

Imagine what the folks in Chattanooga 50 years ago woulda thought about this thing. It's funny though - they were gonna have a parade down Main Street but there's a state law that prevents 'imposters from performing in front of children in public, so they've 'moved the parade indoors. Think about THAT for a minute or two...


It must be nice to have too much money. Read this guy's story. See if you feel any empathy for them:



  1. Get drunk and go in there to that Pride thing. See if you can get arrested for Drunk in Public.Public isn't just outside. It's Public.

  2. The poison pill that will prevent even one inch of that 20 miles of border fence being built is that Mayorkas waived 26 environmental rules to "start construction". By the time the courts get done, we'll all be long dead and buried.

    Remember, two weeks ago, Mayorkas and Biden were the ones pitching hissy fits every time the Governors of Arizona and Texas tried to put up barriers where, you know, the illegals were actually coming across.

    Just something to suck in uninformed voters.

  3. Biden will not build any Border Wall. He has had parts of it welded open and could have those spots welded close but he is not. Thousands still come in daily. It is just propaganda by the MSM.


A great view of where I could easily spend the rest of my life...

  This is the Gweebarra River valley in Donegal County, Ireland  where  my brother TJ and his wife Caroline have their 'wee cottage'...