Sunday, October 8, 2023

The single stupidest 'sport' anybody ever came up with?

 Jumping out of perfectly good airplanes...  

I don't want anyone to think parachutes are stupid or anything like that. They certainly do have a place in warfire, properly utilized. No doubt about it. I've just always questioned any individual who would sign up to do just that.
During a cetain someone's (ahem) time in the Army back in the early '70's. this certain someone was an MP at Bragg. That certain someone's official MOS was 31Bravo, but the actual, unofficial MOS was 'Cat herder'. Ever try herding cats? Can't be done. 
What else can't be done? Policing people who think it's a good idea to jump out of a perfectly good plane. Juss' sayin'...


When I was in the Army - being all that I could be - back in the day, as an E5 I think I made about $210.00 a month. It's a little more than that now:




A man was killed Saturday in a skydiving accident in Florida. He was found wearing parachuting gear on the lawn of a home in the coastal city of Titusville, just east of Orlando. The residence where the man was found and pronounced dead on the scene is just a block from the Arthur Dunn Airpark, a public airport where several skydiving centers are also located.
Titusville Police detectives believe the man was parachuting by himself but have not released any further information. The investigation is ongoing, the department said in a news release. The Titusville Fire Department first posted to X, formerly known as Twitter, about the incident. Brevard County Fire Rescue was also on the scene and an initial request for a helicopter was called off, according to X updates.
I wonder how long they have to continue saying stupid shit like 'posted to X, formerly known as Twitter' before people get the fact that it's not called Twitter anymore by it's new owner, even though no one else on the planet will ever call it anything else but that. 
And for the record, the headline should read: Skydiver killed immediately upon landing in the yard of a Florida home. Juss' sayin'...



"No good deed goes unpunished"
- My Father's favorite quote                         

So I says to herself the other night 'Hey babe, I'm thinking of going over to Paris for a coupla days in June for the WSOP, and she threw daggers at me. 'Ain't no motherfuckin' way you're going to Paris without me', she says. I say 'But honey baby snookems, I won't be around all day every day - especially if I'm doing good'. 'What the fuck are you talking about?' she says, and I show her a picture of the Paris I was talking about, not the Paris she thought I was talking about. She hasn't spoken to me in three days.


This whole thing - and the coverage that they give her - 
is an embarassment. Or at least it should be.





  1. I was married and an E-3 when I went to jump school. My wife was a school teacher. We qualified for food stamps prior to me getting jump pay.

    1. Well, it ain't like jump pay was all THAT helpful. It was only 50 bucks a month. Oh wait.... how old are you? You may be a lot younger than me..... I went through jump school in 1979. When I got to the 82nd Airborne, jump pay was only 50 bucks a month.

    2. you not the only one. best of all after Ronnie got in. he gave the military a 14.5% raise cross the board.
      bad part was if you lived off post, you rent went up 15-20% not long after that. I was on my second hitch
      by that time. couldn't get a damn job anywhere back then. before I got married, I used to bring the married guys back something from the mess hall every time I went. they where fucked a lot of them. between rent, gas back and forth most of them where broke a week after payday. it kind of sucks when you have to think about buying milk for your kids or putting gas in your damn car. dave in pa.

  2. If the articles are to be believed Taylor Swift is making people money, that's enough to get attention from the MSM. T

  3. My brother was drafted into the Army in 69 and went to Vietnam. He stayed there 3 years and finally came back after he got out of the hospital. He was a Sargent and a Ranger, and was screwed up but was home for a month before going to Ft Hood.

    I asked him how he became a Ranger and he said they just grabbed him one day about 4 months in country. He had multiple wounds on him and said he had been twice in the hospital, the last time his unit was wiped out but he lived. He spent another 3 years in the Army before getting out and becoming a Truck Driver in Texas. He later was killed in a wreck. He was 6 years older than me.

  4. Your assumptions are invalid. You obviously do not know what you are missing. Jumping out of airplanes was a ton of fun. But hey, it ain't for everyone. I get it. :)

  5. Gory, gory, what a hell of a way to die.
    He ain't gonna jump no more.

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...