Sunday, October 8, 2023

I have no idea who this guy is, but...

On the last day in the last battle in the 
last war with the last of my ammo in my weapon, 
I want that crazy motherfucker in my foxhole. 
Know what I'm sayin' here?

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  1. I don't care if he got set up there by a crane,That is crazy. I worked on drilling rigs and had always been afraid of heights. That job got me over that. If a guy can't go up the derrick, he's not going to last. Once you're past the That is a fatal fall height, it's All the same. It Looks like he's at least at the I'll have time to scream four times height.

  2. you have to have balls of steel to work high steel

  3. Based on the photo and his job, I'd be worried he's claustrophobic and wouldn't care to be any hole in the ground.

  4. Regarding the hardhatter standing on the I-beam:

    Nope nope nope nopity fucking nope.

  5. Yep. I bet he could get something going even at that point.

  6. Yeah, you always want to be the craziest person in the foxhole. Or, at least, you don't want anyone crazier than yourself in their with you.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...