Friday, October 20, 2023

Just get it done ferfucksake...

 We're on a rudderless ship with no Captain and 
the crew is revolting. This has to stop...


  1. The Republican party has made absolute fools of themselves and it wouldn't surprise me if they never control the house again....any Republican vote against Jordan is indicative of a Democrat posing as a Republican....that said, I guess the Republicans really didn't control the House anyway.....fuck 'em all....they can all eat shit and die as far as I'm the country....kill all the democrats....

  2. Don't forget that democrats STILL vote 100% against him.

  3. I fully expect the House to eventually install a Democrat for speaker.

  4. Fuck around, fuck around GOP.
    When the smoke clears, you're gonna find out you've just made Hakeem Jeffries the new Speaker.

  5. Read about the French Revolution. The Uni-Party is playing with fire.


Lessons about 'global warming' and 'climate change'...

 There's a very good reason why the tree-huggers stopped saying  'global warming'. And this is it...   Al Gore and the rest of t...