Saturday, October 21, 2023

Greta never disappoints. Sad but true - why do we give a voice to this jackwagon?

How did that climate chic sneak in there? Greta Thunberg was accused by Israeli officials of being a “terror supporter” Friday after posting pro-Palestinian messages - initially featuring a toy octopus, which is supposedly a known antisemitic symbol. The 20-year-old eco-twat posted a photo of her holding a “Stand with Gaza” sign alongside three friends - one holding a “Free Palestine” sign - while calling a strike “in solidarity with Palestine and Gaza.” With them was a toy octopus - a symbol often used in anti-Jewish propaganda since being used in a Nazi-era cartoon.
The Time “Person of the Year” 9gimme a fuckin' break) honoree later deleted the photo, replacing it with an almost identical one, just without the offensive symbol, about which she protested innocence. “It has come to my knowledge that the stuffed animal shown in my earlier post can be interpreted as a symbol for antisemitism, which I was completely unaware of,” she said.


 That's for all you guys who bust my chops about the lottery...

The new Christmas stamp is finally out.

With Mary on keyboards and Joseph back in the band on 
vocals, I'm positive they'll get a warm welcome back...



If that ain't a sign of the times, nothing is...




Buying a simple gift for someone should
 never be difficult. Buying a piece of my
 wife's jewelry makes it easy.
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:


Any one of those kids is a geat reminder for me of why 
I chose not to have any. Juss' sayin'...

The protestor's lament...

Hollywood actors were warned that dressing as characters from major shows and movies would break the rules of the ongoing strike, so outfits based on Barbie, Wednesday Addams and film superheroes are banned by their Union.
Wearing such costumes would promote content made by the studios the actors are in dispute with, their union said. "Choose costumes inspired by generalised characters and figures (ghost, zombie, spider etc)," Sag-Aftra advised its members. Or actors could dress as characters from content that does not fall under the strike rules, "like an animated TV show", the union suggested.

This guy is genuinely hated in Ireland...



1 comment:

  1. We can only trust something in the news if it came from the Steal Dossier, so that $200k Buyden check must be fake.


Good Morning...