Thursday, October 5, 2023

Dylan Mulvaney - the gift that just keeps on giving.

I have a coupla questions here but not for Dylan. My first question is for the press as a whole. Do they really think we give a fuck about people like this or do they do the reporting as a goof just to show us how fucked up society is today and how our priorities are so fucked up? 
I really hope that that is the case, because if they were reporting on social open-wounds like this thing/person, we'd be past our 'Use by' date as a civilized, intelligent socity. Juss' sayin'. 
There is an actual article about this miscreant in today's Post of your prurient nature is getting the best of you:




They were doing things on TV back in the 60s that we might have missed but were, none the less, brilliant. Like this...

It's frightening how things can change so fast in some a short time. How's that whole 'Bidenomics' working out for young couples trying to buy their first houses these days? The Fed has said they might not be dne raising rates, either. Thinking back to the pre-Reagan years when mortgage rates were in the high-teens (I bought a house back in 1980 with an 18.25% mortgage), it took a full five years to pull ourselves out o ftat mess. This new clusterfuck may be something that's irreversable. Wait and see.


Ya think they finally realize that there's an election coming up in about a year and that's the only reason to get back to sme sense of sanity? Too late jerkoffs, you already ley in about five million fuckin' people, ya jerkoffs...


Buy your wife or girlfriend this bracelet.
She'll figure out a way to thank you...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
There are a number of new items in her shop. Click here to see them all:


If Joe Buck would just drive his car off a cliff somewhere, 
we'd all be better off. God, he sucks...

Certainly be interesting, if nothing else. I guess you'd spead this on 
your tuna fish and peanut butter sandwiches at two in the morning...

This amazing view from the University of Pittsburgh Cathedral of Learning roof during Game 7 of the 1960 World Series at Forbes Field when baseball was important and fans would do anyting to get a glimpse of a game.
 This is how times are changing - after setting a 104-year attendance low in Game 1, when 19,704 fans filed into Tropicana Field, things got a little bit better for Wednesday's Game 2, but not by much. According to Joey Knight of the Tampa Bay Times, attendance for the second game of the series was 20,198.



  1. Going to try and help Biden's numbers by pretending to care about the border

  2. I'd say the total price of going to the baseball game as gotten to the point were most people can't afford to go, day off of work, combined with cost of parking, a glass of something to drink (Minimum) and it's quickly to expensive. Secondly, many people hold onto their favorite team from where they are from and didn't transfer their fandom to any Florida sports teams.

  3. lots of right thinking people walked away from sportsball when the take a knee thing started. I no longer waste my time with it and I really do not miss any of it.

  4. We (The Rangers) have a strange dynamic going with the Rays. We seem to lose every series during the year but have won every post season series since 2010. And I hear the Trop is hard to get to. Better luck next year. Now if we can just find a way past Houston...

  5. The gods of baseball, knowing that the Rays struggle with attendance, gifted them with the worst possible starting times for their games....granted, if there were true support in the Tampa bay area,it would not matter.....however, throw in the fact that the citizens in Hillsborough county will not support the Rays, and the poor support from counties below the Skyway, and sorry to say, sports fans, but a new stadium is not going to change sports in Florida have always been up against the fact that there is too much else going on....remember when the Dolphins were really good in the early 70's?....if they weren't competing for the league lead, forget could walk up to the ticket window at the old Orange bowl and buy a ticket on game day...


Good Morning...