Tuesday, October 3, 2023

'Dooshbag touristss with too much money screw the pooch in rented Lambos. What a great headline...

The blue Lamborghini can be seen trying to overtake the white campervan driving in front of it as a line of colourful sports cars make their way up the road in South Sardinia, Italy. But seconds later footage shows the red Ferrari behind it trying to overtake at the same time, causing the Lamborghini to smash underneath the campervan, which is then violently flipped onto its side. The blue Lamborghini is shown heavily damaged at the side of the road surrounded by a cloud of dust and smoke, with the campervan blocking both lanes. 
The red Ferrari, which is out of view on the other side of the campervan, also overturned on the other side of the road, where it caught fire, trapping the couple who were inside, according to reports. The Swiss tourists who were burned to death in the Ferrari were aged 63 and 67.


  1. My only concern is are the people in the camper ok?

  2. I wonder why there is always a comment in stories like this about how someone had too much money and are thus stupid. No, I dont think people with money are smarter than most, but I dont get the significance of doing or having something expensive makes you stupid and thus deserving of whatever bad may have happened. Are you going to claim that if you had enough money to rent a bucket-list car (and it was important to you) for a day you wouldnt do it?
    Or is this just economic envy?

  3. Just because you have money, doesn't mean you know how to drive or have good sense.

  4. No point in saying 'Did the Lamborghini check his mirrors first?'. The mirrors about the size of small Post-It.

  5. Arrogance kills....again....biden displays that a lot....with the same result....


The girls from Riverdale don't mind strutting their 'stuff...

Had to edit out the details so I can keep the blog...