Saturday, September 16, 2023

Why did I move to Florida? Because New Jersey is the winner in too many contests...

 Like this one - the State with the highest 
property taxes in the nation...  

I pay less per year in property taxes here in Florida than I did 
PER MONTH in New Jersey. In New Jersey, there’s a strong emphasis on local control of public services, particularly education. Those education costs are amongst the highest in the nation, and they’re mostly paid through property taxes.
Likewise, Illinois has more units of local government than any other state, according to the state’s legislative handbook. These are funded by property taxes, with a big chunk of those taxes paying for education and state employee pension obligations.
By contrast, Hawaii’s government is more centralized at the state level and relies on tourism more than property taxes to pay for government services. As a result, property taxes are the lowest in the country.

Want to see where your State is on the list? The report is here:


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How much more is there to find out about how we were duped about COVID?

Somebody tell me how and why the Pentagon would ever get  involved in something like this. What could they possibly  have gained doing this ...