Saturday, September 16, 2023

If the car broke down on the way to work it'd be okay, but this breakdown didn't have a 'Plan B'...


  1. A lot of stress for the people who built the LEM Ascent engine, but they knew what they were getting in to. "Bird flies or boys die" isn't a cheezie slogan when it is true. I had to ask a version of that question at least once in a meeting with engineering, they didn't think auto-restart capability for the Space Station power system was important...

  2. I understand that the switch to activate the Ascent Engine was accidentally broken off (By Buzz in his EVA suit) and so they had to improvise a switch with a pen (or pen part, I don't remember which) but if that hadn't worked they'd still be on the moon...

  3. That's kinda SOP when working at or beyond the limits of knowledge (amongst other things). Fair number of military actions are the same; either it works or you die. "Brave" is defined as "you choose to go; return is optional". See this every day in disasters. And not to put too fine a point on it: this is classic white male northern European culture.

    They thought about it. They also knew the answer.
