Monday, September 4, 2023

Welcome to America - we're so glad you snuck in...

I guess that whole 'Sanctuary City' thing has roared up and bitten them squarely on their asses. It's crazy the shit these people are getting busted for. And that's only what we know about. 


  1. Considering every single one of them broke US law, they ALL should have been arrested and deported by now.

  2. how can this be? we were told that only meek, intelligent and religious people are coming here to enrich our lives.

  3. they are never going to stop coming here as long as they put them up in hotels and give them "free stuff"
    end the free shit and it will stop. what pisses me off is that we have a lot of homeless people who where born here and vets that could use the help we giving to the illegals. dave in pa.

  4. My wife and I stayed at the Roosevelt Hotel about ten years ago. That was before the B.S. began in earnest. Place is turning to crap again.

  5. Liberal, socialist, lefty New York should join California in seceding from the United States....good riddance....
