Wednesday, September 13, 2023

The will never let DJT rest - that's how much they hate him...

A longshot legal bid to disqualify and remove Donald Trump from 
the 2024 US presidential ballot has been gaining traction. Initially heralded by liberal activists, the theory has burst to the fore in recent weeks as prominent conservatives embrace the effort. 
But critics warn that, if it moves forward, it risks robbing voters of the right to deliver their own verdict on whether the former president should return to the White House. The untested legal gambit is a last-ditch bid of sorts against an ex-president who remains popular with his base. Its ultimate arbiter could be the conservative Supreme Court he helped shape - if it even gets that far.
The full article is here - it's actually very good reporting by the BBC (who also hate him):


  1. their hate for trump is only exceeded by their greed for grift and power.

  2. This is grasping at straws in a utter panic. What is the panic? The panic is that they desperately need to keep the corruption cash pouring into their pockets and keep the massive hoards of mostly serve no function paper shuffling bureaucrats sucking at the public trough, because most of them couldn't hold a real job. I just read that $135 Billion, with a B, has disappeared from the unemployment aid kitty. No one knows what happened to it. I can make a pretty good guess. I suspect that this would not have happened if Trump was POTUS therefore he must be prevented from being elected by any and all means.

  3. This will be decided by SCOTUS after it's too late to replace Trump on the ballot.

  4. The RINOs who support this are NOT conservatives.

  5. They don't only hate him, they are afraid that he is going to win.
    Guillotines will be busy.

  6. If the demos follow the 2020 script, there will be no positive result for whoever the republican candidate is....they have control of the election long as there is write in voting and the use of machines accessible on line, and programmed by those on the left, you can forget about a "fair and balanced election"....they will never allow what happened to hitlery to happen again....

  7. Fuck em. We can just write him in.

    1. No you can't. Look up how the electoral college works.
