Wednesday, September 13, 2023

No wonder nothing ever gets done with these people. Jeez.....

How hard can it be to pass a budget that the Government and the People could all manage to live on? Congress has completed appropriations (budgeting your money) before the start of the fiscal year only 4 times in the past 40 years. The last time Congress completed all bills on time was 27 years ago, in 1996. And yet we somehow figure out that these jackwagons are doing a good job representing us and we keep on re-electing them.

Want to watch in real time as the National Debt rises at a rate of One Million Dollars a minute? Just click on this photo. It's frightening how incredibly irresponsible these people can be...


The Biden administration has reportedly approved a deal 
with Iran to pay the rogue regime $6 billion in exchange 
for five detained American citizens.


I'm so old, I can remember when MTV stood for 'Music Television'. I actually had this on last night for a few minutes. Had I watched the whole thing, my brain would have - more than likely - exploded all over the living room ceiling.
 The only person of any note that I would have recognized was, of course, Taylor Swift - because she's so fuckin' cute. I couldn't watch it long enough to see anything at all of merit -  musically speaking. 
Believe it or not, one major media outlet feels the same way I do about this bullshit dog and pony show. Check this article out:




I'm not saying that if you buy her
 something nice, she'll love you more. 
But she might... 

Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's reasonably priced and includes free shipping!

There's a very good word that describes what 
this photo is all about. The word is 'evocative'.



Now doesn't that in and of itself make a very strong case for your rights under the second amendment? If his guy was in Albuquerque what would the Governor do?

This isn't a church. It's the Parliament House in Palermo, Sicily. 
They don't make 'em like they usta, huh?




  1. Super collection. Thanks for the memories.

  2. They caught him

  3. Hey, Joe: where's that 'bunny' clip from? -Henry

  4. About that "mobile phone", before they put on those armor cables to the handset, I used to carry a safety pin. Using the safety pin, you pushed the point through the cable and grounded it to the phone change bin and you got a dial tone. No money needed for local calls. This was around 1960 or so. Used to talk to my girlfriend for hours.
