Saturday, September 9, 2023

'Presumptive' is the key word I think...

It's the cold hard truth. Neither party has anyone new to offer who's worth talking about. Have I ever mentioned that I hate politics? I think I may have said something like that somewhere along the line...

Just passed to the north of St. John (USVI) yesterday. Buddy of mine down there said the north shore surfing was great with 3-4 foot break. It was 450 miles to the north of them and they got that kinda action from that far away. This is a strong one - gonna be crazy good surfin' all up the east coast next week. Hope it stays off shore.

If you are on FB or Instagram or Pinterest or Twitter (X) - or any other sites you may use - won't you please consider sharing the blog on your other sites? 
That's the best way we can get the word out there and possibly get some more friends and followers here. Wuddya say? Just copy and past this on to your wall, and thanks:


Now granted this is pretty much all conjecture on their part, but even still it makes for some fairly interesting reading. The one thing they didn't touch on enough is the fact that if human life continues to expand at the rate we are, eventually this planet will not be able to support us all, but that's a story for another day, right? Click on the chart here to read the full story:


Holy shit. How did I ever miss this? I really gotta start watching more TV if they're gonna show shit like this. This is fuckin' hilarious in so many ways...


Wuddya think? Think it's legit - think I should send 'her' a friend request? I wonder about two things when I see shit like this. First and foremost I think how fuckin' lame/stupid are these scammers that send you shit like this  - do they really think I or anyone else is stupid enough to respond? I also wonder what the actual percentage of people is that would be dumn enough to respond. It's probably at least in the double digits. I fear for humanity.


Buy her something nice.
She probably deserves it...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's only $ 18.00 and that price includes free shipping!

I will continue to repost this image of her as long as she's is in the news just to remind you of what a textbook cunt this woman is. Imagine the ego on this obroad. 
Pelosi announced Friday that she will run for reelection in 2024. Pelosi first revealed her plans at a breakfast with volunteers in San Francisco. She followed up publicly with an announcement on X, the social media platform previously known as Twitter. "Now more than ever our City needs us to advance San Francisco values and further our recovery," The post read. "Our country needs America to show the world that our flag is still there, with liberty and justice for ALL. That is why I am running for reelection - and respectfully ask for your vote. -Nancy."

Appropriate, n'est pas?

If nothing else, ya gotta give the guy credit for not giving up. This is the third time I've seen him appear on the news. I'm thinking there's a coupla screws loose somewhere. That'd explain the rattling noise. Click on the headline to read this report.




1 comment:

  1. The Adidas/Puma story is real...the split occurred in 1948,,,,


God - I thought I was the only one who noticed that orange tinge...

    Was that a spray tan? You betcher ass it was. Either way, it's pretty friggin' hilarious, if ya think about it. Some flack in hi...