Saturday, September 9, 2023

How could they possibly know this?


  1. They just make this shit up. Since there is no way to prove it did, or did not, happen , who can contradict them?

  2. They know the energies involved, and they have good models of the processes. From this it's easy to derive the temperatures. It's a good question, though, and nothing except a couple years' worth of study prevents you or anybody else from knowing "how they know this".

  3. Replies
    1. As I said. Models are mathematical, with variables and constants representing physical entities.

  4. Spectral analysis. Set up a slit, diffraction grating, and photographic film. The flash of light through the slit is spread across the film by the grating, according to wavelength. Higher temperatures emit more of the shorter wavelengths, so you can find the temperature from the intensity vs wavelength curve.
