Friday, September 8, 2023

It always only matters who you want to listen to...

 Everywhere I look, I see people wearing masks again. 
WTF is wrong with these sheep?

Yesterday, during a brief presser, the Prez wore a mask while he was standing, by himself, at a podium. When he was finished not answering questions, he took off the mask and walked away. Through a crowd of people. Stopping and shaking hands and talking to people.
I cannot make this shit up.


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I see more and more people out and about wearing masks in public again. It depends, I guess, on who you listen to. You can listen to the jerkoffs in power who want to control your life, or you can listen to the doctors and scientists who say that masks have absolutely no value and will do nothing to stop the spread of an airborne virus. It all depends on whether or not you are want to be treated like so many sheep. (For the record, I have no idea who the people in that photo are).


The details on the Alwyn Court building in New York City. This building was obviously built during a period when pleasing the eye was more important than function. Think of all the skilled tradesmen involved in creating something as magnificent as this. Isn't it fascinating how tastes in architecture and design change over time?



It wouldn't kill you to buy her something nice.
But the surprise may kill her...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
It's one-of-a-kind and that price includes free shipping!

The 5th U.S. Circuit Court of Appeals on Thursday temporarily halted a district judge’s order for Texas to remove from its river border with Mexico a thousand-foot-long buoy barrier put in place to deter crossings, a decision that will maintain the status quo as the appeals court considers a longer-term stay.
I heard a great suggestion yesterday. They should take the anchors off these things and tow them up and down the river. They can call them a 'navigational aid'. 
It's also worth noting that the Rio Grande River is 1,896 miles long. This barrier thing is 1,000 feet long. 
Get a fuckin' grip, children. Juss' sayin'...

If you're ever in Key Largo. My kinda bar.


Because they care. Oh, they don't give a fuck about you - 
it's for the Polar Bears...

This print ad is from 1969. People looked at it and thought it was something straight out of The Jetsons. My brother Bob was working at Western Electric in Newark back then and I remember him saying something to the effect that 'people aren't going to pay hundreds of bucks for something as stupid as this'. Go figure, huh, Bob?



  1. I think i saw the clip on Gutfeld, showed Whoopie call in to the view from home because she said she had covid again, she said i'm just sitting here at home alone wearing a mask

  2. the ones you see wearing the masks will go willingly into the boxcars.

  3. Would someone explain how a government or system that ignores border law and millions of illegals have standing in a suit against a state that is defending itself from invasion?

  4. what I don't understand is why anyone who spent time in the military wears one ? I mean don't they teach NBC warfare anymore ? if a simple paper mask will "save" you, why the gas mask and mopp gear ?
    these days, anytime I see some clown in a mask, I just think they stupid and hope they don't have kids !
    a couple of weeks ago, saw some moron in his truck wearing a mask alone. let me guess, he thinks he going to get the virus from the guy on his radio ? people are just stupid. dave in pa.

  5. Back in 1974 we were in Key Largo widening US 1 to 4 lanes.....favorite hangout was the Caribbean was fun....order a beer and they'd hand you a can of 612....spray each other down and go set a quarter down on the pool table for next game....I don't remember if they ever actually closed....

  6. Disantis forgot to mention the other reason Florida is safer than the northern lefty ruled cities and states....Stand Your Ground....had a friend who was waiting for his wife at the dentist office when a "usual suspect" approached him with a 3" blade and demanded he get out of the truck and leave the keys in it....when he lifted his Judge up and simply said "Really?"....the shit trail from that guy must've been epic....

  7. But when Joe walked through the crowd, he was wearing the mask on his thumb. Much safer than on the face.
