Friday, September 1, 2023

Being helpful, the Biden way...


It's about fuckin' time. USA Today and other news sources are reporting that a judge has ruled that Burger King must face a class action lawsuit accusing the chain of false advertising, joining the ranks of other fast-food giants like McDonald's, Burger King and Taco Bell.
The latest in a line of similar legal actions, the lawsuit was originally filed in March 2020 and accused the burger chain of falsely inflating the size of its signature Whopper sandwiches in promotional materials. 
The suit claims that Burger King made Whoppers appear twice as large as they actually are in advertisements, while the actual burgers served to customers are 35% smaller than those marketed.

"Burger King advertises its burgers as large burgers compared to competitors and containing oversized meat patties and ingredients that overflow over the bun," said the filing. The reality is they all suck.


Just a personal thought on this subject. I have never in my life (going into my 70's, thank you) carried a credit card balance of any significance. Sure, I may have ocassionaly deferred payment in full for a month or two if times were tight, but I've always lived by the little lesson my Dad gave me when I got my first one back in the early 70's. 
He told me something to the effect that 'It's perfectly okay to let other people lend you the money to buy shit, but don't stiff 'em when the bill comes due.' Granted, I paraphrase, but not by much. I'll never understand how people spend themselves in to poverty buying shit with other people's money. Kinda like the way all politicans do. I don't get it.


Even better are the ones they sell at SamsClub. Fuckers weigh about almost five pounds. You can't even buy the raw chicken that cheap. We usually get at least four - sometimes more- meals outta each one. A definite helluva deal.



Someone who's close to you has a birthday 
coming up, don't they? 
How's this for a nice little gift...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
If you like it grab it because there's only one left...

Just a note from your friendly blogster - If you guys don't buy my wife's jewelry, 
I make zero fuckin' money offa this endeavour. Get what I'm saying here?
 Make me look like the marketing genius she wants to believe I am - 
take a look at the stuff she makes. 
It's very nice, every piece is one-of-a-kind and handmade, 
and they are priced very, very reasonably.



This ad is an absolute home run for me. It came out in 1961. 
I was eight years old - the absolute prime target market for the ad. Imagine finding on of these under the Christmas tree and feeling just like Ralphe did in the movie. Ten bucks seems incredibly cheap nowadays, but back then you could damn near fill your gas tank for six bucks, and my old man was probably making around $120.00 a week back then, so that ain't cheap in retrospect.

Why is it that the British can make fun of shit and we can't?





  1. I've had my mind changed by a bumper sticker before. The guy was driving like an idiot so I voted against his candidate.

  2. When they're done suing McDonalds and Burger King they should go after realtors for the phony pictures they post. We were referred to a beautiful home in the country. The single family ghetto across the back fence was photoshopped out.

  3. One of the worst times for me was the time I shot the eye out of a bluejay for no reason with a buddy's model '94 Winchester BB Gun....I was about 10....I learned that day that the only time you kill is to eat, or when you have no choice but to....never was a fan of trophy hunters....

    1. Nor I ,loved small game hunting because we ate the pheasants and rabbits we shot. Never being a big fan of venison meant I didn’t hunt deer, same reason for wild ducks. If you’re not going to eat them please don’t shoot them
