Friday, August 11, 2023

Will the 'other Joe' pull the trigger and run? It'll be interesting to watch if he does...

Forbes has an interesting take on it:


  1. Manchin, D-W.Va., voted with Sen. Bernie Sanders, I-Vt., 88% of the time this Congress, and Sen. Elizabeth Warren, D-Mass., 91% of the time, according to a ProPublica database. Significantly, he also agreed with Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., on 91% of votes, according to ProPublica.

    Beware the trickster... down by 30 percent against the GOP candidate who wants his seat.

  2. Joe's only worried about losing his Senate seat and like any other politician, he's willing to do damn near anything to keep it.

    1. Exactly. He screwed over West Virginia with the IRA vote and now he's flailing for something to stand on.

  3. He forgot to be grateful to the people of his state, who trusted him, a fucking democrat, to represent them, and then let them he cries fowl because another fucking democrat lied to him and deceived him?.....cry me a river, asshole....

  4. Just another grifter in a town that is full of them.

  5. I think this fraud has bullshitted the WV voters often enough that they have had enough of him. How many times has he said he was "thinking" about leaving the Communist party?? Gotta be in the hundreds, yet here he still is, lying his ass off again.

  6. So what season is it? Oh ya, the season of introspection....ya right; this doosh ain't republican material. Once a commie demoncrat always a commie demoncrat.

  7. Someone needs to remind poor Joe that the same people will be COUNTING the votes in the next election as did in the last. He, along with "US", is screwed.

  8. How many of his voters are union members? I get the impression that in WV, all coal miners are in a union, and that is or used to be most of the men with a regular job. Most Republicans have gone from not supporting unions to actively opposing them, and I always assumed that's the only reason Manchin was a Democrat in the first place.


The sad reality and the bitter truth, all in one panel...

  Saying that this election or that election was rigged just because your candidate didn't win is a friggin' cop out. It's a sad...