Friday, August 11, 2023

When I was a kid, calling someone a 'monkey smuggler' woulda been fighting words, even if they didn't know what it meant...

Texas border patrol agents rescued seven endangered baby 
spider monkeys that were smuggled inside a backpack over the southern border. Video from an arrest in Brownsville on Thursday shows officials opening the bag and finding the monkeys huddled together. “Aw, poor babies,” one of the agents says.
The monkeys were seized from a juvenile offender, who stuffed the simians inside a backpack that had holes poked in it to allow them to breathe, officials said.
“This case highlights the lengths smugglers will go to maximize profits with no regard for the lives of migrants or animals,” said Gloria Chavez, the chief patrol agent for the Rio Grande Valley sector.
If you wanna see the video, it's here:

On Thursday evening, the governor of Hawaii, Josh Green, said that all communications with the western part of Maui remained down, and that the emergency services were only able to communicate using satellite phones. The death toll has climbed to 55, but is likely to rise dramatically. New drone footage (right) showed the terrible damage done to Lahaina.

Why can't I stumble on shit like this?

In 2013 a couple walking their dog in California found 8 coffee cans containing over 1,427 gold coins worth over $10 million. The original source of the hoard is still unknown.

A Canadian man is calling electric vehicles the "biggest scam of modern times" after his frustrating experience with an electric truck. Dalbir Bala, who lives in the Winnipeg area, bought a Ford F150 Lightning EV in January for $115,000, plus tax. He said he needed the vehicle for his work, but also wanted something suitable for recreational activities such as driving to his cabin or going fishing. He also wanted an environmentally friendly vehicle as owning one is "responsible citizenship these days." He's pretty pissed off right about now...

If you're in an outdoor bar and there's a sign like this on the wall somewhere, you're probably in the right place...


If you're looking for a nice, small, unique gift idea, click 
on this banner to see what Barbara has available on her site.

Think about that. Batman got top billing over the Temptations.

How high-maintanence is this broad? Juss' sayin'...

Speaking of food...

We might want to re-check the math on this, but Paris supposedly has more than 44,000 restaurants and cafes. With an approximate population of 2.14 million residents, that’s 48 people for every restaurant.


WTF is going on in our world lately that standard-issue words like 'Mom' and 'Dad' are no longer acceptable and these jerkoffs have to invent new phrases that they'll claim are 'more inclusive' somehow?
What is inclusive (or non-inclusive) about a woman giving birth? Nobody else can do it that I know of. 
Click on the picture if you want to hear this idiot's logic. That's always a good page to follow of you do the Twit-thing...


All 6,000 Residents Of This Polish Town 
Live Together On The Same Street

Hey - serious question here. Are you guys cool with this whole 'format/non-format' thing I like to do here? It's taken me a good coupla years to get here, style-wise.
I can't do just politics - that would be redundant and boring. There's enough of that bad news out there anyway.
I just like mixing it up with shit I see and think about. Any suggestions for what I might do differently here?


Someone you know must have a birthday coming up. 
How about this for a gift idea?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful handmade bracelet.


  1. My first stop every morning , nice place you have here .

    1. I'm going to agree... too much politics polluting the world as it is.

  2. Hey Joe, you are doing great. I like your format or not. Stop by about every day. Thanks

  3. I like and enjoy the content you put out there.

  4. I make multiple stops here each day. Very much enjoy the show.

  5. I'm glad the gullible EV sucker was scammed. He is willingly blind. There is plenty of information available about the true cost and limited benefits of EVs. He chose to ignore the evidence. Being accepted by greenies was more important to him than being considered wise. He deserves what happened to him.

    1. According to the article, he not only believed 100% of the claims for EV's without checking, but he can't even do arithmetic. He was planning to make a 1400 mile trip in a vehicle with a range off 320 miles with 3 recharging stops. If he started at full charge and every recharging point was perfectly placed and working, his range would be 4 * 320 = 1280 miles. 120 miles short.

      But he didn't need one more recharge, he needed about 7 recharges each way. Even with a gasoline-powered car, once you're out in the farm regions you do NOT plan to run out most of the tank before stopping for gas. You top it up whenever the gas gauge goes down around half, and that way you aren't stranded when one station is closed or out of gas and it's 100 miles to the next one, or when wind and hills take a little extra power. So he should have found charge points no more than about 160 miles apart. And he should have known that charging takes a long time, that using the heater or AC drains the battery faster, that heat and cold affect battery life, and so on. But he planned so poorly that he never got far enough to learn the last two points.

      Or he should have realized that taking an EV cross-country made him a pioneer, and pioneers are recognized by the arrows in their rears.

  6. Keep right on keepin on....I'm gettin to the age where change pisses me off.....

  7. Well, I come back every day. Sometimes twice a day. So yeah, I like it!

  8. I stop by here every morning. If I want politics I can get that do a nice format.

  9. The gold was buried shortly after FDR's Executive Order, which he signed on April 5, 1933, was published (strictly illegal and unconstitutional, BTW). However, (again, believe it or not) it wasn't repealed until December 31, 1974 when Gerald Ford signed the bill finally passed by Congress 41 years later.
    A fairly unbiased summary can be found @:
    1. there are probably many such similar hoards still buried around the U.S, today.
    2. when you get a Marxist in power (FDR, BHO, FJB), not only does he like to demonstrate his power, he also likes to dare the Government and the People to take that power away from him.

  10. Format is fine. So is the content.

    Stupid Canuck falling for the EV scam. It 's a pretty obvious bad idea for anyone with a little common sense.

    That Polish town ... perfect for German or Russian armor to destroy the whole place in two passes or two shots.

  11. First and last best place to stop during the day. If you get an 'expert' try to tell you to change, ignore him, he's and educated idiot.

  12. Ken up here in NWF, my first stop every morning, keep it up.

  13. You know what they say " if it ain't broke, don't fix it" your posts are perfect.

  14. I like what you do. Keep it up

  15. I check in everyday at least once. No format change needed.

    Tell the lovely misses the recent order was well received.

    I subscribed to Jeremy's Razors because of this commercial, and I don't even use razors. Harry's hates you.

  17. my comment/question would be, how much did that meal cost for the high maintenance broad....she wasn't worth it....

  18. Nice place ya got here.....hate to see anything happen to it......

  19. I like what you with the place! It's different from most others, and that's a good thing.

  20. I like the format and style just fine! I like "Name the Dame" but "Just Sayin'" is why I always check in thru the day! It's nice to hear like-minded people calling "it" the way they see it!

  21. You are doing just fine with the mix, please keep it up!


Calvin re-invents fishing?