Saturday, August 26, 2023

The real Trump mug shot...

Supporters and campaign managers have embraced the image of his arrest, as they rally around Trump's claims that the charges against him are politically motivated. To critics, the photo is a symbol that his long list of legal woes has finally caught up to him. 
Trump's Save America fundraising committee is selling "NEVER SURRENDER!" mug shot t-shirts ($34.00), beverage holders ($15.00 for two) and coffee mugs ($25.00). His son Don Jr. is marketing "FREE TRUMP" mug shot t-shirts ($29.99) and posters ($19.99).
The link is here:



Post-game Vanilla Ice concert? I thought he was down 
here in Florida building houses or some shit. 

March 22, 1943: Technical Sgt. R.W. Greenwood, a Marine, sits in the cockpit of a Grumman Wildcat fighter plane, based at Henderson Field, Guadalcanal, that is credited with shooting down 19 Japanese aircraft, as illustrated by the number of Japanese flags on his plane. Several different pilots have flown the ship during successful missions, but Sgt. Greenwood has remained plane captain.


Animal protection services officers are investigating the death of Pete the peacock, a pet that belonged to a resident in a gated neighborhood, the local news outlet KVVU reported on Thursday. Felicity Carter, a neighbor, told the TV station that she found the bird against a fence with an arrow sticking out of him. She then took him to a veterinarian who specializes in exotic pets. She said the staff rushed to treat him, even looking into getting a blood transfusion from another peacock. Before Pete died, they found the bird had actually been shot twice.
Have you ever noticed that that phrase 'Senseless Crime' or it's equivalent is used so many times in bullshit news stories like this one but never in news stories about shootings at a baseball stadium. I guess THAT crime made sense in a twisted fuckin' way, huh?
 Juss' sayin'...

Wuddya suppose they mean with that third symbol?


Ya know, we tend to forget how good photojournalism can be when you don't have the internet and it's bottomless resources of images on every subject. 
When I was a kid, there were magazines that were an absolute staple in our home. LOOK, LIFE, Saturday Evening Post, National Geographic and of course BOYS LIFE because we were all in Scouting. For reading stuff for the bathroom, we had Yankee Magazine, Reader's Digest and Catholic Digest (yeah, sad but true).
The screen cap above is from a great old LIFE Magazine article about the least memorable part of WWII - the Battle in the Aleutians, the part of the world-wide conflict that brought war close to home. Click on the screen cap to see and read the aticle. Its pretty cool.

Yeah, I thought that was pretty ironic also...

Does your little Irish angel deserve a treat?
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet


That, and the fact that the Mariners are, all of a sudden, playing lights-out baseball and may actually make it in to the playoffs. Know what me and all of the guys on the Yanlees have in common? We'll all be watching the World Series on TV. Fuck me...

How they used to grade Democrats...



Eruption on Mount Etna in Sicily gives the illusion of a Phoenix in the sky.



  1. If I had to listen to that peacock screeching all night and then dodging his aggressive behavior during the day, I'd shoot the SOB myself.

  2. Downwind of SeattleAugust 26, 2023 at 9:13 AM

    If you're into having someone else drive you and then come back later to pick you up and then be in a mass of people so close you can count the stitches on their clothing, the actual experience of Pike's Market is ok. But the parking prices are very high and you have to have a very small vehicle. As for the overpaid idiots in the semi-circular building...the less said the better.

  3. It looks like there will be baseball in October in Atlanta,
