Tuesday, August 15, 2023

Start the revolution without me...

Shit's gotta hit the fan sooner rather than later, 
'cause it may already be too late...  

At some point somebody's gotta start beatin' the shit 
outta some people, 'cause if somebody don't, they'll continue to weaponize the Justice system against us. I will not say anything more about this except to mention that if ya need me, I'll be in the basement stacking ammo...

From the slightly twisted yet somehow amazingly interesting 
mind of Cris Shapan. This is subtle genius at it's finest.


It's amazing how many people you can exclude in the name of 'inclusion'...


Just to give you perspective on how good a job Joe is doing as 'Commander in Chief' of our Armed Forces, there is no one in charge right now of the Army, the Navy or the Marines.


 August 15, 1945. 78 years ago today.


To be honest, I don't feel bad for 'em at all. Here's a little video report a guy did about the tent and all being basically ignored throughout the whole rally. Click n this screen cap and it'll open in a new tab:

This might actually have been a brilliant 
little marketing idea - but for one thing.

Yeah - the hard part is getting the dames to pick up the tabs, 
like that happens almost fuckin' never anyway. Juss' sayin'...

Someone you know must have a birthday coming up. 
How about this for a gift idea?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful handmade bracelet.

That's imortant to remember...



This is the single most important thing you'll learn today, and - knowing that knowledge is power - you will now be invincible having learned this factoid.
The humming noise produced by electricity is a different tone in Europe than it is here in the States. The American electrical hum is a B-flat whereas the European electrical hum is a G.
Now go out and conquer the world with your new power.

This is a photo of the Fulton County Prosecutor who brought the latest indictments against DJT. This picture should tell you everything you need to know about this clusterfuck without having to say another word. 
Juss' sayin'...

Everything Barsotti created was subtle.

The Very First Miss Universe Pageant, 1952





  1. Ah, yes, 1952 - when Indiana was still an independent country !

  2. B-flat and G: the difference between 50Hz and 60Hz.

  3. Planet of the Apes - The apes are in charge and whitey has no voice.
