Tuesday, August 15, 2023

SCOTUS said he can't do it, but Joe doesn't give a shit what they say...

On Monday, Biden moved forward with his administration’s plan to cancel $39 billion in student loan debt for more than 800,000 borrowers after a judge dismissed a lawsuit seeking to block the plan.  
Michigan District Judge Thomas Ludington declared Monday that a lawsuit filed by the Cato Institute and the Mackinac Center for Public Policy against the Department of Education lacks standing, throwing the case out. 

The institutions argued in the suit that the administration’s plan to forgive loans from borrowers who have been paying back their loans for 20-25 years is unconstitutional and in violation of the Administrative Procedure Act.
The article can be found here:

He'd get a lot more votes if he did this...


  1. yup. medical debt is where my 401k went too. god bless blue cross and bozo care. dave in pa.

  2. 100% sure that Judge Thomas Ludington suddenly found a large deposit in one of his off shore bank accounts.

  3. Biden does not care about the Constitution so why does he care about Congress or SCOTUS. He is out to destroy the USA. I believe he plans to stop the election of 2024, which will throw us into CW2.

  4. I was soooo smart. My parents paid for my college, but I got huge college loans to finance my annual trip around the world. AWESOME! Now Joe is paying for it (out of his Ten percent?)

  5. What is forgotten or ignored is this student loan mess was created by a Republican Congress and Republican President in 2005 when Congress sent the Bankruptcy Reform Act to Bush and he signed it. The Act prohibited student loans from being discharged in bankruptcy. This in turn eliminated any need by lenders to loan base on creditworthiness because Uncle Sugar now pays the student loan off if student loan borrowers defaulted. Student loans are given out like candy to anyone from 2005 to present thanks to Bush and the 2005 Congress. Then in 2010 Obama federalized student loans and here we are. The Bankruptcy Act also created the constant cash flow for colleges, from students, that has resulted in outrageous tuitions, students attending college like it is an extension of high school when they aren't interested nor qualified and the end result is the current student loan debacle. Every thing government touches turns to sh*t.

  6. Because there a lot more idiots with student loan debt that vote than medical bankruptcy filers that vote.

    It isn't about canceling debt, it's about buying votes with taxpayer money.

  7. He shit on everything the military did in Afghanistan and he is shitting on me again since I worked while going to school to pay for my education. The GI Bill I used covered tuition and I had to cover living expenses and books. FJB
