Monday, August 14, 2023

Somebody had their head screwed on right that day...

 The day back in 1978 that someone decided that 
she should wear that outfit and get her picture took...  
As my father woulda said, 'That's onehelluvalotta woman'...


That was fuckin' embarassing yesterday - giving up a 
4-run lead in the bottom of the ninth and losing another 
gem pitched by Gerrit Cole. In seven games this year where the Yankees have had a 2-run lead when he left the game they've lost. In those seven games he has something like a 2.56 ERA. He a Cy Young candidate this year and they suck. To say it's frustrating would be an understatement. Jeez...

A Russian fighter jet has crashed during the Thunder Over Michigan air show after it reportedly experienced malfunctions. Two people parachuted from the MiG-23 and landed in Belleville Lake during Sunday's demonstration, the Federal Aviation Administration confirmed. Officials confirmed that the pilots were pulled out of the water and will be OK. A Twitter user who is said to have witnessed the crash wrote that the craft appeared to backfire before it went down, but the cause of the crash hasn't been confirmed.

This guy has a great drawing style.

Today sucked at work, yer boss is a complete jerkoff, traffic was a fuckin' stand-still nightmare on the way home, your kid ran away with a knife-swallowing trannie, your wife was pissed off at you leftover from last night and wouldn't even talk to you this morning before you left for work, and you come home to find this. And they wonder why you drink as much as you do.

Brits can be really funny people when they try.


Honest to God - these people are shameless. Is there ANYTHING they won't blame on 'climate change'?

A scientist at the University of Reading examined clear-air turbulence over the North Atlantic between 1979 and 2020. The comparison found increases of each type:
Severe clear-air turbulence: +55%
Moderate: +37%
Light: +17%
The study attributes much of the increase to warmer air from rising carbon dioxide emissions, which increases wind shear in the jet streams and, in turn, strengthens clear-air turbulence in the North Atlantic and globally, all of which are attributed to and having been created by climate change, according to this one genius. Of course there is no 'peer review' of any kind on these types of studies. The study results, however spurious, are accepted as gospel by the scientific community.

Someone you know must have a birthday coming up. 
How about this for a gift idea?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful handmade bracelet.
It's only $ 20.00 and that price includes shipping!
Click below to see all she has available today.


Think about this for a minute. The caption on this pic said 'Safety Standards In 1960s'. Were we so much smarter back in the day that we knew not to do anything stupid and to hang on tightly while riding this open-seat with no seat belt or harness of any kind? WTF happened to us since those days that no matter where we go or what we do, somebody is gonna be limiting how we do it, as if we're too fuckin' stupid anymore to be safe and protective of ourselves?
Granted, jerkoff kids today would be doing all kindsa stupid fuckin' stunts on these kinda things just to get more 'likes' on their Instagrams post, but as far as I'm concerned, if yer that fuckin' stupid, you deserve to fall to your death while someone else videos your fall and gets more 'likes' on THEIR posting of the video. Juss' sayin'...


A new Covid-19 variant has become the dominant lineage of the virus in recent weeks in the US and while it should not be a cause of undue concern for the public, its emergence is a reminder of the need for greater surveillance of the virus and of the importance of vaccine boosters, according to infectious disease experts.
EG.5.1, an Omicron subvariant also known as Eris, is the leading version of the virus and makes up about 17% of Covid cases in the United States, according to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention. Its rise coincides with a recent uptick in the number of hospitalizations due to Covid.
But those numbers remain far below hospitalization figures during the pandemic and do not indicate a need for social distancing measures or mask mandates, the experts said. The new variant is part of an anticipated evolution of the virus.

WTF could have possibly been happening in this elevator 
that would cause them to post a sign like this?





  1. If you think it's tough being a Crankies fan, thank your lucky stars you're not a Royal fan. I can't count the number of games their bullpen has given away this year. If it wasn't for the young players and their development, it wouldn't be worth paying ANY attention to the Royals this year. Not to mention last year and the year before and the year before, etc.

  2. The ladies on the ski lift aren't in any danger, it's all camera angle. That a fairly famous photo, but the reality is that the lift hugs the ground on the way up and they are only a couple feet up. They could step off at any time.

  3. 1. I don't see any buttons with genitalia
    Ramirez: not only a fine artist, but timely n' incisive captioning

  4. Cole would win 20+ if they didn't suck and should win the Cy anyway.
