Thursday, August 24, 2023

Me - agreeing with an editorial in the LA Times? Well, at least with the headline anyway...

Los Angeles Times Editorial - "Donald Trump is due to appear at the Fulton County jail in Atlanta on Thursday for the usual booking procedures for a person charged with multiple felonies: Surrender to authorities. Pose for a mug shot. Get fingerprinted. Undergo a medical exam. Pay bail.
Bail is set at $200,000, and as is typical in such cases, Trump is expected to pay 10% of that to a private bail agent or directly to the court. Several others charged along with Trump in the Georgia racketeering case over the attempt to overturn his 2020 election defeat have already appeared, paid and been released. But Trump shouldn’t have to pay. None of his co-defendants should have to pay.
"No one, in fact, should ever have to pay cash bail." 
The system has strayed far from the original practice inherited from medieval England, where bail was a substitute for being jailed before trial. It was a security deposit to ensure the accused showed up in court, and it was fully refunded when they did. Today, in the U.S., bail is an unjust and nonsensical part of the criminal justice process that allocates treatment differently depending on how much money the accused has, not on their behavior, their risk to the public or their guilt."
They lost me on the 'no bail' thing.


  1. Trump should have refused to pay bail and made them lock him up. When the Secret Service took over the jail, that would have been hilarious.

    1. I'm guessing that the time it would've taken was the deterrent factor in him not doing that....would've loved to have seen it, would've been a nice stick it up your fanny to that asshole prosecutor....see what I did there?....

  2. Note how well no cash bail is working out for the leftist states.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...