Wednesday, August 2, 2023

Kamala and Joe tell lies and get away with it. Trump tells the truth and gets indicted...

Governor DeSantis invited Harris to Tallahassee to discuss the new standards. “In Florida we are unafraid to have an open and honest dialogue about the issues,” DeSantis wrote in the letter to Harris. “And you clearly have no trouble ducking down to Florida on short notice. So given your grave concern (which, I must assume, is sincere) about what you think our standards say, I am officially inviting you back down to Florida to discuss our African American History standards.” The Florida governor had dismissed the vice president’s criticisms of the standards and accused her of crafting a “fake narrative” about the curriculum.
In a speaking engagement of front of all black folks yesterday here in Orlando, Harris responded, saying "I'm here in Florida. And I will tell you, there is no roundtable, no lecture, no invitation we will accept to debate an undeniable fact. There were no redeeming qualities of slavery."
She will not debate the Governor because she can't. What she's talking about does not exist in the curriculum she's condemning. She's just a lying, hateful, racist piece of shit.


The date: August 2, 1964. People flock around the ice cream 
man on a summer afternoon in Washington Square Park - 
one of my most favorite places in the whole wide world. 


Someone carrying an assault-style rifle will walk through the halls of Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School on Friday and reenact the deadliest high school shooting in U.S. history. 
All of this for a lawsuit someone filed against the cop who was there that day. Tell me lawyers aren't despicable scumbags. Read this article. The fuckin' guy was acquitted of charges and they're still going after him.:

Coastal communities around the world, including major European cities and small US ports, are attempting to curb the number and size of massive cruise ships looming over their shores.
In July, Amsterdam's city council voted to move its cruise-ship terminal away from the city center because of concerns about overcrowding and pollution. Barcelona; Venice, Italy; and Key West, Florida; have each moved to limit large cruise ships in recent years for similar reasons.
The 'City Fathers' have finally figured out that the overwhelming influx of tourists discharged from the ships do more harm than good to local communities, and very few local businesses benefit outside the port areas.
I, myself, have been on one cruise. There wil not be a second.

The company has decided it's best for their business if they integrate into the communities they serve. This is the newest store front design for their Massachusettes stores.


I know I shouldn’t have done this, but I'm almost 70 years old and I'm just tired of taking shit from people.
I was in the McDonald’s drive-through yesterday morning getting my monthly sausage biscuit fix and it was busy as fuck - there were probably 15 cars in front of me when I got on the line. When I finally got up to the order window, the young bitch in the car behind me must have been in a hurry, because she was leaning on her horn, flipping me a bird and started mouthing something because I was taking too long to place my order. 
When I got finished with my order, I gave the order-taker and $ 20.00, said I wanted to pay for my daughter's breakfast in the car behind me, and told her to keep the change. I paid for her order along with my own. 
The cashier must have told her what I'd done because as we moved up she leaned out her window and waved to me and mouthed "Thank you.", obviously embarrassed that I had repaid her rudeness with kindness.
When I got to the second window I showed the gal both receipts and took her food too. Now she has to go back to the end of the line and start all over again.
Moral of this story? Don't blow your horn at old people, bitch. We've been around a long time - we know more ways to fuck with you than you'll ever dream of.

Someone you know a cat lover maybe?
How about this for a gift idea?
Click on the picture for more information on these earrings.



This whole thing will blow up in their faces sooner or later, and there's gonna be hell to pay for every one of these motherfuckers who have tortured this guy non-stop for the last seven years.

This is the only Barbie I've ever been interested in...

For $299,900, you could own a piece of television history. The boat Tony Soprano owned - “The Stugots,” from the first season of the iconic series “The Sopranos,” was listed for sale last Friday for a price just shy of $300,000.





  1. Loved Barbie Benton, if Trump wins I hope he torments the shit out of those bastards and goes after the bidens and any other traitors to the country, Kamala is one of the largest pieces of shit to ever hold public office, and that covers a lot of ground, wouldn't mind having the Stugot's except for the cost of a slip, and finally Bud Light could be dropped as a think we need some more comment boxes....

  2. The Bud Light is no longer lit...

  3. Trump has the cabal running the country scared, all they need to do is keep him off the ballots for this election.

  4. Mcdonalds story,even if fiction tis fucking epic!

  5. Not that anything should be phrased to imply that there were "benefits" to being forcibly enslaved by someone against your will, but you have to admit that after time on the plantation, cooking, cleaning, farming, plowing, chopping wood, etc. virtually EVERY former slave was FAR BETTER PREPARED to take care of themselves for the rest of their lives than nearly EVERY black kid leaving the government day prison system after high school (or most white kids for that matter).

  6. And as a grammar Nazi by training, thank you very much for properly using the CORRECT article "an" when preceding a word that begins with an H.

  7. It’s over. There will never be another “free and fair” election. They dropped all pretenses last time around and stole it live on national television. Violent revolution or separation is the only way forward. The alphabet agencies have been running the show since they killed JFK.


I gotta make these tougher...