Sunday, August 13, 2023

Fighting back against jerkoffs taking 'selfies'... - This is friggin' brilliant. A historic deli in Barcelona has hit back at tourists who clog up the shop without buying anything by introducing a €5 (Approx. $ 6.00) charge.
Queviures Múrria in the Eixample district, which first opened in 1898, is one of the Spanish city’s most renowned Modernista-style shops, selling high-end food products such as fine wine and artisanal meats and cheeses.
Its striking facade, original counter, mahogany furniture and 1920s glazed signs and adverts make it a draw for visitors keen to take pictures and selfies, but not necessarily make a purchase.
Although no one has been charged as of yet, the number of tourists coming in just to snap a selfie has plummeted, according to shop manager Toni Merino. “We have not charged any money from people who just want to come in and have a look, but that is not the point.” 

Barcelona has intoduced numerous policies to combat 'overtourism' in recent years. Go figure...


  1. “Self-Centered-ee’s”…people who do this sort of thing are rude morons, some even gain a Darwin award. Yet they continue. “Watch the meteor shower”…nope, many will whip out their phone to video it instead of enjoying the beauty of the moment.

  2. I have been to eight cities and towns in Spain. I had a wonderful time everywhere except Barcelona. They had the snobby Paris attitude about foreigners.
