Monday, August 21, 2023

Aside from a little something to giggle about, we got a new word outta all the shit happening in the Land of Fruits and Nuts...

 It's the double-whammy of the decade out in SoCal. They get slapped by Hillary, then they get a 5.1 shake-up. Word of the day? Hurriquake. Brilliant...  

I hope the person who coined that phrase gets a raise...

I think it was Jim Jones who said it first.



In the State of New Jersey, Climate Change is taught in every class, every grade, ever day. 
It's a state law. It's mandatory. 
You can NOT make this shit up...


Californians were forced to climb trees to escape dangerous floodwaters and mudslides sweeping through the state on Sunday. A flash flood hit Seven Oaks in the San Bernardino Mountains bringing down the Santa Ana bridge and leaving residents sheltering in the trees. 
LA and the surrounding area has been battered by Tropical Storm Hilary's record rain levels and strong winds that have brought down trees and power lines and flooded roads. School closures across the city and Palm Springs have been announced for Monday as the storm raged on. The National Weather Service continued to warn of life-threatening flooding from heavy rain in western LA County and eastern Ventura County on Sunday night. 
California is enduring devastating floods and dangerously strong winds, as well as a 5.1 magnitude earthquake in Ventura County which hit on Sunday afternoon. 

I was twelve when this song first came on the radio in the summer of 1965, 
and yet, somehow it feels like just a few days ago. Perspective's a bitch, Bubba. 
And Michelle Phillips was smokin' friggin hot. Juss' sayin'...

Think about how broke you'd have to be 
to have to drink supermarket-brand beer.


The event had originally been scheduled for Saturday but was pushed back one day because of severe weather conditions. “During the swim portion of Sunday’s race, safety personnel provided immediate medical attention upon recognizing the athletes were in need of assistance,” organizer Ironman Ireland said in a statement on Facebook.
Both men were pronounced dead at the scene, local media reported. They were competing in a so-called half Ironman event, which also features a 90 kilometer (56 mile) bike course and a 21.1 kilometer (13.1 mile) run.

Interesting socio-economic juxtaposition, n'est pas?

The caption on this photo said that this is the amount of meat from one processed cow. I'll accept that hypothesis - sounds and looks about right to somebody who doesn't know better. I sorta get that, but did the author include the Lean Cuisine intentionally?

Bioluminescence is the production and emission of light by living organisms. A form of marine plankton, known as bioluminescent dinoflagellates, are the source of the light on the incoming waves. 
Pretty cool shot of the Milky Way, also.

Someone you know has a birthday coming up. 
How about this for a gift idea?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful handmade bracelet.

And that's exactly why we will always be forced 
to continuously feed the machine. Fuck.

The funniest thing is I JUST sold my Campbell's stock. I bought it going in to the Covid lockdown shit thinking people'd be buying the shit to stock up but that never happened. The real truth why I posted this is 'cause I never buy jarred sauces - I put up my own sauce. 
I have a friend who owns a restaurant so I get my tomatoes through her from her purveyor and I cook and can my own. First and foremost because that's the way I was raised - my mother and grandmother always did it and taught me to do it at a very young age. Also 99% of the shit they sell in stores is fuckin' garbage I wouldn't feed my dog even if I had one. RAO'S is the one exception. It's as close to my sauce as can be to the point where if I served it my wife wouldn'ta noticed the difference. 
The ony downside to this sauce is it's super-premium price, about four times what Ragu costs, but that's okay because I think you can only buy Ragu if you do so with EBT cards. Juss' sayin'...



  1. Michelle Phillips was a little too skinny in the Mamas and the Papas, though she filled out quite nicely know what they said about Mama Cass....if she and Karen Carpenter had gotten together to share that sandwich she choked on, they'd both most likely still be with us...{a little dark humor}....have a good week....

  2. California hurricane? They didn't get a Cat 1. And if Hillary knew anything about blowing, Bill wouldn't have needed Monica.

  3. Hell we grew our own plum tomatoes along with our relatives,we all had small farms and rotated who grew what crops and who raised what animals. Come harvest time all the relatives were on hand to blanch them,peel them seed and grind them, it was like a picnic, the women and children did all the above stuff while the men roasted a pig or a couple of lambs and also did the boiling and canning. And last fall’s homemade Dago Red was flowing freely! Those days are all gone now.I don’t remember the last time we put up sauce. My son found a private brand I think called Signature that is dynamite with only a little help. If my wife makes pasta for dinners guests they beg her for the recipe. But myself and a neighbor do still make our wine! Hell you by the desired grapes already in a juice, simply amazing. Not all modern technology is bad

  4. The freezer can only hold about a side of beef.
