Tuesday, August 22, 2023

A little 'over-sensitive' are you? It's a nose, ferfucksake. Just a nose...

First off, let me just say that there seems to be an awful lot of people out there with entirely too much time on their hands. Secondly, what part of 'Fuck you if you can't take a joke' don't they understand? Finally, he is portraying a guy who had a prominent proboscsis. If he did it with his real nose, somebody'da bitched the portrayal wasn't 'accurate enough'.

The article this headline comes from would be laughable if the writer wasn't so serious. Nah, fuck it - it's still laughable. Find it here:


  1. It is what the man looked like. Not a Durante schnozz or Cyrano, but a bit larger than average.

    If you are going to do a biography the actor should look like the subject as much as possible.

  2. I'm not Jewish, but my family nose is a great big honker. Luckily, I got the handsome nose from my mother's side.

  3. I can't hear Bradley Cooper without picturing him as Rocket....schnozz or not....
