Thursday, August 31, 2023

Your nightly Twisted Hillbetty from our friends at Twisted Hillbilly on Fakebook...


Someone who's close to you has a
 birthday coming up, don't they? 
How's this for a nice little gift...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
If you like it grab it because there's only one left...

Name this Dame if you think you've got game...

It's almost election season - break out the new variant!


Six reasons why The New Yorker Magazine sucks.

 And it isn't just because they're a bunch of 
hatefull, jerkoff libtards...  
This is how they choose to portray the candidates in the Party they love to hate. As bullshit inlflatable bounce castles. Imagine the brain storming that went on to create this.






Someone who's close to you has a birthday 
coming up, don't they? 
How's this for a nice little gift...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
If you like it grab it because there's only one left...

Just a note from your friendly blogster - If you guys don't buy my wife's jewelry, 
I make zero fuckin' money offa this endeavour. Get what I'm saying here?
 Make me look like the marketing genius she wants to believe I am. Take a look at the stuff she makes. 
It's very nice, every piece is one-of-a-kind and handmade, and they are priced very, very reasonably.
 C'mon guys - do the right thing, okay?

The kid nails it...


Your Federal Department of Health wants you to get high more often, I think...

New York Post reporting - The US Department of Health and Human Services has recommended lowering federal penalties and restrictions on marijuana by lowering its drug classification.
HHS suggested that the Drug Enforcement Administration reduce the devil’s lettuce from a Schedule I drug — a classification that includes heroin and LSD — to a Schedule III drug, alongside ketamine and some anabolic steroids, Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer said Wednesday.
“HHS has done the right thing,” Schumer (D-NY) said in a statement. “DEA should now follow through on this important step to greatly reduce the harm caused by draconian marijuana laws.”
Rescheduling the drug could ease or even end the criminal prosecution of weed users. Schedule I drugs are classified by the DEA as substances that have no “currently accepted” medical use in the US, “a lack of accepted safety for use under medical supervision, and a high potential for abuse.”

Click on the credit for the full article and fire one up for me, Bubba...

Calvin the Frogman...

Age perspective's a bitch - especially for us older guys...

I've said it before here - I'm not a bigfan of these goofy memes, 
but for some reason this one really reasonated with me...

Want a reason to vote for Ron instead of Don? Here ya go...

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday afternoon reissued a pointed warning to pillagers reportedly making rounds in areas devastated by Hurricane Idalia: “you loot, we shoot.”
“People have a right to defend their property - this part of Florida, you got a lot of advocates and proponents of the Second Amendment,” DeSantis said during an afternoon press conference.
“You never know what’s behind that door if you go break into somebody’s house and you’re trying to loot, these are people that are going to be able to defend themselves and their families,” the governor added. “We are going to hold you accountable from a law enforcement perspective at a minimum, and it could even be worse than that depending on what’s behind that door.”



I feel a little stupid. I don't get this one...

Do you think it's a coincidence that the writers and actors in Hollywood chose to go on strike during the summer 're-run season'? They actually thought we'd give a shit. Turns out nobody outside LaLaLand gives a fuck.



I've personally shopped in Aldi stores in Italy, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland and here in the States. Every store was immaculate, all the shelves were full, the prices were very good and the workers nice and efficient. The only negative I could come close to saying about these guys is that they pretty much only  have one of any given item - like they don't need to stock 30 different brands of peanut butter. What ever the true reason for their incredible success is, good for them. 
Now hopefully they'll take one of the Winn Dixie stores near me and make it a Trader Joe's. Yes - one of the brothers who own Aldi also owns Trader's. Go figure. Gimme a Trader Joe's and a White Castle near me and I'll live here forever...


Someone who's close to you has a birthday 
coming up, don't they? 
How's this for a nice little gift...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
If you like it grab it because there's only one left...

I wonder if he ever looks at himself in the mirror and thinks 'God, that was a stupid fuckin' thing to say'...


This magazine is published as a promotional tie-in to the 'Goth' Makeup firm Vampyre Cosmetics. The company claims it is a women-owned, disabled-owned and LGBTQ-owned cosmetics brand that sells vegan, cruelty-free and talc-free products. They fired Alice Cooper as a spokesperson for the firm because he had the temerity to say publicly that telling a six-year-old kid they can change their sex if they want is a fucked up thing for a parent to do. 
Wouldn't you like to have been a fly on the wall of that company's board room when they made that decision? Juss' sayin'...

Former Fox News host turned Twitter pundit Tucker Carlson once again made dark insinuations when he claimed during an interview that Democrats will attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who faces 
this damn-near daily dilemna...

There's an interesting point that can be made here. These politicians create these problems and then try to dump the end results on every one else without having to admit any blame on their own part. Libtards have a shitload of answers but no solutions at all. They all suck.


Watching her leave...

Wednesday, August 30, 2023

Your nightly Twisted Hillbetty from our friends at Twisted Hillbilly on Fakebook...

That there's marryin' material. Bubba...

Think you're on your game? Name this Dame...


I think Tucker Carlson may have just crossed a very dangerous line...

The former Fox News host insisted it was 'really clear' that Obama had gay relations but that the media chose not to report on it. He accused the former president's team of threatening to ban anyone who reported on it from access to the campaign. Carlson, 54, pointed to the accusation of Larry Sinclair who alleged that Obama bought and smoked cocaine before they had sex in 1999. He made the claims during an interview on The Adam Carolla Show which aired on Wednesday.

The full article is here:

Didn't take long for Joe to use the 'CC' words...

 The people that attend this Climate Church have absolutely no shame, and he's the Bishop...    
He said it about the fires in Hawaii and now he says the big 'CC' is responsible for hurricanes also. Climate change probably made him send over 5,000 emails from a bogus account under a phony name, too.
 The man has zero shame. None at all. But remember, there was a fire at his house where he almsot lost his cat and his 'Vette. Jeez friggin' Lousie...

Someone who's close to you has a birthday 
coming up, don't they? 
How's this for a nice little gift...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
If you like it grab it because there's only one left...

Jimmy said it better than I can...

Calvin's broke...

We're good here. Just light rain and breezes


Our friends to the northwest are gonna get their asses kicked this morning...

Idalia, which has been growing stronger for more than 24 hours, is expected to make landfall between 6 and 9 a.m. ET today south of Perry, Florida. Idalia strengthened to a Category 4 and is expected to remain an "extremely dangerous" hurricane when it makes landfall.
As of around 5 a.m. ET, the hurricane had maximum sustained winds 130 mph, with higher gusts. Storm surge damage may stretch about 200 miles along Florida’s west coast, past the Tampa Bay area, and Florida’s Big Bend area could get 12 to 16 feet of storm surge. The National Weather Service office in Tallahassee said “locations may be uninhabitable for several weeks or months” because of wind damage. Storm surge could prevent access, too.


Here in Lake County we're getting a bit of rain and wind - nothing major thankfully. The eye of the storm has already passed to the west of us and is heading northwards. Our friends on Cedar Key are gonna get crushed. They're talking about a 10-12' surge and that island's like a pancake.

The Fabulous Furry Freal Brothers have the solution...

I was working yesterday and my wife had the day off. I'm thinking she mighta found my bud stash in my jewelry box because this is what I came home to yesterday afternoon...


North Carolina, South Carolina and Georgia have all followed Florida's lead in declaring States of Emergency in their respective States. as warnings heighten around the potential impact the storm could cause as it heads in the north-northeast direction. 



I had only two thoughts about this when I saw the article on First was simple - would the world be worse off without these furry killing machines? and second was - I wish I had that much free time that I could worry about shit like this. 
How many thousands of species of animals and birds and bugs and other creatures aren't around anymore? I guess there was nobody around to bitch about it when the dinosaurs shit the bed, right? Juss' sayin'...

Somebody just spotted Jim Cantore on the beach up in Cedar Key...


Someone who's close to you has a birthday 
coming up, don't they? 
How's this for a nice little gift...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
If you like it grab it because there's only one left...

While you might think that 30 percent chance of rain means there's a 30 percent chance of rain in your area, in reality, it's not that simple. When the weather says that there is a 30 percent chance of rain that means that there is a 100 percent chance of rain in a certain area, but that it will only rain on 30 percent of that given area.
When I usta live in the islands we'd say that 30% chance of rain meant there was 100% chance it was gonna rain in 30% of the island. Maybe we were righter than we thought...

That's what happens when you visit a bullshit tourist trap 
like The Temple. Fifteen bucks for a Jamie? Obviously, the Clearey family paid much too much for the place when they bought it, and now that nut hasta be paid. 
Fuck that. 8.95 Euros for a pint of Guiness three mies from where the fuckin' Guiness is made. If you're wondering, that's about $ 9.75 US.

If I had to guess I'd say it's a bunch of SanFransiscians (San Fransiscites?) heading for Burning Man. Yup - that'd be my first guess...

Jorma Kaukonen (later of Jefferson Airplane and Hot Tuna) met a singer named Janis Joplin at a hootenanny in San Jose, California, in the fall of 1962.
 Over the following years, Janis would call on Jorma to accompany her at gigs. As they continued to play together, the Bay Area was changing musically and developing into the legendary San Francisco scene to which both Janis and Jorma would be integral. During a rehearsal for a show in North Beach, Jorma started his reel-to-reel machine to capture what they were working on. For decades, this recording was the stuff of legend, with inferior, multi-generational transfers making their way through select collector's circles. Now, for the very first time, it is available officially, with the blessing and cooperation of both the Janis Joplin Estate and Jorma Kaukonen. 
The Legendary Typewriter Tape: 6/25/64 Jorma's House contains this legendary recording, featuring Restoration and Mastering from acclaimed, Grammy®-winner Michael Graves. The tracks include Joplin on vocals, Kaukonen on guitar, and Jorma's wife Margareta typing away intermittently in the background. This may have just been a rehearsal, but it is so much more. Featuring Joplin originals, as well as blues classics, The Legendary Typewriter Tape is an intimate glimpse into two major artists at the beginnings of what would become highly influential careers. As Jorma says in his liner notes: "This is indeed a window into a simpler time when the music truly was everything."

