Thursday, August 31, 2023

Want a reason to vote for Ron instead of Don? Here ya go...

Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis on Wednesday afternoon reissued a pointed warning to pillagers reportedly making rounds in areas devastated by Hurricane Idalia: “you loot, we shoot.”
“People have a right to defend their property - this part of Florida, you got a lot of advocates and proponents of the Second Amendment,” DeSantis said during an afternoon press conference.
“You never know what’s behind that door if you go break into somebody’s house and you’re trying to loot, these are people that are going to be able to defend themselves and their families,” the governor added. “We are going to hold you accountable from a law enforcement perspective at a minimum, and it could even be worse than that depending on what’s behind that door.”



I feel a little stupid. I don't get this one...

Do you think it's a coincidence that the writers and actors in Hollywood chose to go on strike during the summer 're-run season'? They actually thought we'd give a shit. Turns out nobody outside LaLaLand gives a fuck.



I've personally shopped in Aldi stores in Italy, England, Ireland, Northern Ireland and here in the States. Every store was immaculate, all the shelves were full, the prices were very good and the workers nice and efficient. The only negative I could come close to saying about these guys is that they pretty much only  have one of any given item - like they don't need to stock 30 different brands of peanut butter. What ever the true reason for their incredible success is, good for them. 
Now hopefully they'll take one of the Winn Dixie stores near me and make it a Trader Joe's. Yes - one of the brothers who own Aldi also owns Trader's. Go figure. Gimme a Trader Joe's and a White Castle near me and I'll live here forever...


Someone who's close to you has a birthday 
coming up, don't they? 
How's this for a nice little gift...
Click on the picture for more information on this bracelet. 
If you like it grab it because there's only one left...

I wonder if he ever looks at himself in the mirror and thinks 'God, that was a stupid fuckin' thing to say'...


This magazine is published as a promotional tie-in to the 'Goth' Makeup firm Vampyre Cosmetics. The company claims it is a women-owned, disabled-owned and LGBTQ-owned cosmetics brand that sells vegan, cruelty-free and talc-free products. They fired Alice Cooper as a spokesperson for the firm because he had the temerity to say publicly that telling a six-year-old kid they can change their sex if they want is a fucked up thing for a parent to do. 
Wouldn't you like to have been a fly on the wall of that company's board room when they made that decision? Juss' sayin'...

Former Fox News host turned Twitter pundit Tucker Carlson once again made dark insinuations when he claimed during an interview that Democrats will attempt to assassinate former President Donald Trump.

Glad to know I'm not the only one who faces 
this damn-near daily dilemna...

There's an interesting point that can be made here. These politicians create these problems and then try to dump the end results on every one else without having to admit any blame on their own part. Libtards have a shitload of answers but no solutions at all. They all suck.



  1. Sorry but it won't be a TJ's - just your regular Aldi. That's b/c the company that is to purchase W-D is Aldi Sued. TJ's is owned by Aldi Nord.


  2. Just put a fence around New Jersey and dump all the illegals's not any good for anything else anyway.....a few chemical companies?...

  3. Al Gore is the poster child for Dunning–Kruger effect - AKA, being too stupid to know you're stupid.


The difference between Spring Break now and when we did it back in the 70's?

 We just wanted tro get high and get laid.  They have different priorities...