Thursday, July 6, 2023

Ya see - now they're just making shit up about the weather...

What was the name of Obama's book - The Audacity of Hope'? How about this claim. It's pretty friggin' audacious, too...

I know - I'm leading with weather nonsense two days in a row, but the shit these people spew is almost as bad as listening to liberals give speeches.
According to a coupla guys wearing bowties, The global average temperature Tuesday reached 17.18 degrees Celsius (62.92 degrees Fahrenheit), data from the University of Maine’s Climate Change Institute showed, the hottest ever recorded on any day of any year.
The same record was broken the day before, when July 3 temperatures reached 17.01 degrees Celsius (62.62 degrees Fahrenheit), higher than the previous hottest-day record of 16.92 degrees Celsius held by a tie of two dates, July 24, 2022, and August 14, 2016, according to the University of Maine and the National Centers for Environmental Prediction.
The exact modeling system used to estimate Tuesday’s temperature has only been used since 1979, but scientists are able to estimate average temperatures going back tens of thousands of years by using instrument-based global temperature records, tree rings and ice cores, climate scientist Paulo Ceppi told the Washington Post.



What's the most dangerous job in all of baseball? 
Maybe this guy's...

Click on either of those two pictures to see a video of 
the guy getting conked. The dude went down FAST...

A buddy of mine and I were having a beer together 
last night when he told me something I didn't know about himself. He told me that he had run away from home when he was fourteen and never went back. He said he lived on the streets until he was old enough to join the Marines. When I asked him why, he showed me this picture of his parents. He said they did that every day, including him and his sister. I understood completely why he ran away...



If you grew up in a big city like I did - in my case it was Newark, NJ - you understand exactly what this is all about. 
Imagine if you can the amount and types of advertisements that were stapled onto this pole. Tells a story on it's own, sorta, doesn't it?

Some of these guys - along with their agents - are really smart about money. The probably know if they got it all now they'd piss it away on cars and other shit, so the defer their contract payments until after they're out of the game, knowing they'll have money still coming in down the road. Good for them.


Have a birthday or other special event
 coming up soon? Maybe you need to find
 a gift for someone special.  
This bracelet is only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping.
Click on the picture for more information.

The Justice Department on Wednesday disclosed some of the previously blacked-out portions of the warrant that green-lit the controversial August raid of former President Donald Trump's Florida home and club, Mar-a-Lago. Many of the newly revealed paragraphs recounted how surveillance camera footage from inside the property showed dozens of boxes being relocated by a 'Witness' - Trump's personal valet Walt Nauta - in the days before FBI and Justice Department investigators visited the home to collect records.
One question about this - did they grab the surveillance shit during the raid or did they have the house bugged? Maybe some insider mighta secreted it out and handed it over to the Feds? Who the fuck knows. 
I think either way, no matter how left handed this bullshit is, they will most likely get a conviction on this bullshit and forever change the meaning of the phrase 'Trumped-up charges'...




I hope you can read those headlines - they're all from NYC. Evidentily, there's a whole buncha stores popped up up there selling these electric bikes, but all the bikes are cheap shit chinese knock-offs with  really fucked up bootleg batteries that have been demonstarting a better than marginal propencity to fuckin' explode while people are riding the bikes, kinda like a hand grenade going off right under your balls. Yikes...

And you wonder why I hate this guy?
Can you get your head around the idea that these jerkoffs 
probably got laid every night by groupies? That HAS to 
destroy every thing you ever understood about girls...



  1. No, actually it says everything we know about girls; that they are easily manipulated by a dude with a different or clever BS line. You may not like Twisted Sister's make-up or music, but they made a decent living, played some pretty popular music, and Dee Snyder stood up to Algore and the rest of Congress when they tried to censor music.

  2. Differences are supposed to be the reason for attraction between males and females.....I remember once in 1967 I was riding to work in a Chevy C 60 on the way to painting the runways at Washington National Airport when I spotted this gorgeous female with long, flowing, blonde hair in a pair of black and white plaid hip hugging bell bottoms and a nice, snug fitting ribbed black top from behind....a gorgeous body to be sure....I'll never forget that I leaned out the window and gave my best whistle with a "Hey Gorgeous"... the blonde turned around and had the finest blonde beard I had ever seen....from that day to this one I realized, and appreciated, the differences between us and them....vive` la differance`....or something like that...I was 17 at the time....

  3. As you already know, Twisted Sister was a derivative rip-off of the New York Dolls, who also wore out their own newness and welcome in music in the '70s.

  4. Jennifer Anniston is 54 and Brad Pitt will be 60 this year. But Angelina Jolie is 48. Brad has had some seriously passed around pussy.

  5. Nothing wrong with Twisted Sister you old geezer.

  6. Dee Snider did a decent up tempo version of Mack the Knife
    Mark in PA


Legalizing weed and other stupidity...

This amendment to the Florida constitution was written by -  and for -  'Big Weed', who have put over $ 100 million dollars in to pr...