Tuesday, July 18, 2023

WTF is going on up in Canada? Can't they put out a friggin' fire anywhere?

Nearly half of US states are predicted to be impacted Tuesday by smoke moving down from Canada.   
It is the largest smoke plume recorded so far this year. The smoke is expected to disperse by Wednesday when it will be pushed off the East Coast.

Read the rest of this story here:


  1. We're the world's experts at putting out fires. The problem is that a) there are climate change activists and garden variety pyromaniacs running around starting forest fires b) there have been lots of thunderstorms with lots of lightning strikes to ignite more fires c) tree roots can smoulder for days after you think you have extinguished the fire and re-kindle another fire d) budget cuts to the provincial ministries responsible for fire suppression e) in a normal season some regions have a low fire risk so the water-bombers are shifted to where the fires are, this season every region is busy simultaneously so Ontario can't help Quebec which can't help New Brunswick, etc.

  2. I have to wonder which force is bigger, the Canadian military that's now being sent to battle the fires, or the leftist arsonists that are starting them? I think I heard that there are 900 forest fires burning up there? Hope you bought all the lumber you'll need for the next 5 years before this all began ... it's gonna be thin over in aisle 2 at Home Depot.

    1. 1 man can start more fires than 10,000 men can put out.

  3. ah yes. how many arsonists have they caught?

  4. Again, these couldn't be cannabis fields burning instead??

  5. Canada blames Glow Bull warming, even though several arsonists were arrested. Sounds like weaponized Glow Bull warning.

  6. It was pretty hazy here in western ny monday, not so bad yesterday
