Tuesday, July 18, 2023

Now they want you to plug your house in to your car.That's bass-ackwards if you ask me...

First they wanted you to plug your car in at your house to run it. Now it seems the opposite is the new mantra.
According to the New York Times, the battery in an F-150 Lightning or the electric Chevrolet Silverado pickup, which is expected to go on sale this year, can store a lot more energy than home batteries that are sometimes installed with rooftop solar panels. 
They say if you pair an electric truck with a home solar system a family could keep the lights on for days or even weeks.
The use of electric vehicles as a source of power has intrigued electric utility executives, including Pedro Pizarro, who heads the board of the Edison Electric Institute, the industry’s main trade organization, and is the chief executive of Edison International, which provides power to millions of homes and businesses in Southern California.

Personally, I think they make shit like this up to advance their virtue signalling about climate change, but who am I to say, right?
The full story is here:


  1. The EV truck will power your house for days or weeks? I doubt it, even with rooptop solar helping. But I do recall a news story about how at least one homeowner down in Texas powered his home with the generator built into his new F-150 when the cold winter storms knocked out power. There was no mention of the truck being an EV or a hybrid.
    This worked so well that Ford asked their local dealerships to loan out similar trucks to help until the power came back.

  2. My natural gas generator is going to get jealous. Hahahaha

  3. We’ve put in a whole home, standby generator. Just figuring out the correct size generator you need to run the house is complicated. It’s basically a 1000cc motorcycle engine that run off our propane tank. This also requires special modules on the HVAC systems, another panel and some fancy wiring to make it all work.

    So, plugging in your golf cart, er EV and running your house for several days, is a highly dubious claim.

    Ok, it’s BS. Pure and simple.

  4. Yea, probably drain it dead in a half hour.

  5. NO! JTF NO! This a total fuking manipulation of stoopid people. You know what PT Barnum said. JFC
    And FJB! Geezus ?

  6. So the power goes out and you plug your house into your car. If power comes back on in a few hours, all is fine. But if the outage goes on for days, your house has no heat or air conditioning, and you don't have a car to go anywhere else. Maybe you can walk out of the outage area, but I wouldn't count on it.

    Not only is the food going to rot in your freezer, but if you let the econazis replace your gas kitchen stove with an electric, you can't even cook what hasn't rotted. Pretty soon, your cell phone will be dead, so you can't call 911.

    Kamala Harris accidentally revealed the real goal: Population reduction.


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