Sunday, July 16, 2023

This may be the best example yet of why Disney is out of touch and out of control...

And - just so we understand how incredibly fuckin' stupid all of these 'must be inclusive' jerkoffs are, take a look. Only one of the dwarfs is a friggin' dwarf. At least they were awake enough to not make Snow White a black girl. Shouldn't they rename it as 'Snow White and the seven reasons Disney's going down the shitter'? Yeah - they probably wouldn't get a PG rating with that. My bad. Read this article - it'll crack you the fuck up:


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1 comment:

  1. Here's the thing.

    Fairy tales are from Europe, usually Western Europe.

    The German ones originally were dark as hell. Those two children, Hansel and Gretel? Get eaten by the witch because that's what happens to fat, lazy, insolent, misbehaving, disobedient little shits. Which is why the parents dumped them off in the forest to begin with, the lazy little brats were eating the rest of the family out of house and home.

    The French ones, like "Beauty and the Beast," are nicer and actually usually ended kind of nice and didn't need much cleaning up to pass into the modern era. "Snow White" and her sister's story "Rose Red" are also French. It's why the nice girls get princes and live happily ever after. Along with "Cinderella."

    Even Norwegian ones are good, and usually have a nice ending. Like "East of the Sun and West of the Moon."

    As to the dwarves, they weren't genetic freak dwarves, they were miners. Hand dug tunnels and pits. Lots of bent over work in cramped spaces by hand. So strong, hunched-over. More Tolkein dwarves than Peter Dinklage dwarves. So, yeah, I don't have a problem not having genetically deformed people playing 'dwarves.' They should be short power-lifters, all under 5'6.

    And a hispanic or latino Snow White? I don't see many swarthy French chicks coming from non-modern France. White skin, the fairer the better, has always been a sign of refinement in French Culture until the 1900's. Hell, the French Army attacked Jewish officers in the late 1800's, much to their later chagrin (The Dreyfuss Affair, look it up, not a proud moment in French history, but France has until recently always, ALWAYS attacked non-white white white people.) For fark's sake, it's right in the damned name. SNOW WHITE. Not SNOW YELLOW or SNOW BROWN or SNOW DIRTY. It's White as the Driven Snow as it is described in the damned story. WHITE. More refined stories list her name as Blanche, which is... WHITE!

    Dammit all to heck!

    Quit appropriating my culture, you jackals!
