Sunday, July 2, 2023

They're teaching your kids to be creampuffs...

Students at the law school in Massachusetts are being offered
 'wellness resources' in the wake of three major decisions. he response came after three major Supreme Court decision on race, religion and student loans. It comes after recent incidents involving other law schools around the country including Stanford University and Yale.

The full story can be found here:


  1. But are any of the law students actually taking the admin up on this offer? I suppose there might be a few timid souls with darker skin pigmentation, but my guess is that overall damn few are. I went through the BU LLM tax law program, and I can't imagine any of those people wasting the time, unless there was free food involved.

    Law school is not a place for timid souls. But I can believe you might find some opportunists that will look for a way to leverage this to an advantage.

  2. Anyone who shows up for these therapy sessions should be banned from ever practicing law....

  3. They don't protect our border from invasion, they steal 3/4 of the nation's wealth, they cannot maintain a fair and honest judicial why does anyone continue to support the presence of government?

  4. I absolutely want one of these snowflake attorney-wanna-be's to represent me in court someday. "Your Honor, which is a wholly patriarchal term, the prosecutor said mean things to me and my client."

  5. Hi - I'm black/asian/Apache/whatever. Push me to the front of the line, wouldja? SCOTUS says otherwise...

    The asians are the ones being pushed to the back of the line, think they started the court case. They complain the least, work/study fscking hard, commit the least crime. Asian hate crimes are excessive and gets very little exposure, probably because the perpetrators are the usual suspects,
