Sunday, July 2, 2023

Leveling the playing field and other stupid shit...

Hi - I'm black/asian/Apache/whatever. Push me to the front of the line, wouldja? SCOTUS says otherwise...  
I'm confident you'll agree with my always having thought this kind of spcial treatment was bullshit. WTF does your race/ethnicity have to do with your eligibility to do or get anything? My father lost out on a promotion when he was still on the job with the Newark, NJ PD because they chose a Puerto Rican guy over him even though my Dad had a higher test score and more experience.
 I, for one, am glad they finally stopped doing this shit. As for the 'legacy' admissions? How much money would they NOT get if people didn't donate for that specific reason? Juss' sayin'...


This is the interior of the Klementinum Library in Prague. Built in 1722, at a time when pleasing the eye was as important as function. Open to this day.


I guess the ole' 'Vive La France' don't mean what it usta. French riot cops ran away from gunfire as a "war" sparked by the police killing of a teenager plunged France deeper into chaos yesterday. A mob was also reported to have grabbed hunting rifles as they looted a gun shop on on Friday night.
Police armoured cars and heavily armed paramilitary units were moving to confront gangs cutting a swathe of devastation across the nation.
But street strife is expected to escalate further following today's funeral of Nahel Merzouk - the 17-year-old whose shooting at the wheel of his car triggered the crisis. 

Tension soared as thousands of mourners thronged the Muslim service for the French Algerian youth said to have been “executed” by a single shot on Tuesday. An Interior Ministry source said: “France has not seen nationwide unrest on this scale since World War II - it is out of control.”
Pepe le Pew is saying 'Goodbye, peaceful nights'...

The share of 40-year-old Americans who have never been married reached a record high in 2021. 
Twenty-five percent of 40-year-olds remained unmarried in 2021, up from 20 percent just over a decade earlier in 2010.

In what may well be the worst casting fuckup in movie history, 
John Wayne was forced (by his contract) to play Genghis Khan 
in the 1956 Movie 'The Conquerer'.

Them's some serious rock-hard sand titties...

Even though it is one of my favorite movies, it still bugs the fuck outta me every time he appears on the screen. Word on the street is that he was so desperate to get back into 'the game', one of the studio bossees who hated him offered him this role and Rooney actually took it on. He is genuinely painfull to watch in this flick.

Have a birthday or other special event
 coming up soon? Maybe you need to find
 a gift for someone special.  
This bracelet is only $ 20.00 and that includes free shipping.
Click on the picture for more information.

A mass shooting occurred early Sunday morning in Baltimore, Maryland. The Baltimore Police Department confirmed a large team of officers and medical personnel responded to reports of gunfire in the 800 block of Gretna Court in the Brooklyn Homes area of South Baltimore at just after 12.30am. Police confirmed two adults were deceased, nine victims were transported from the location to area hospitals, and 20 other victims walked into hospitals on their own throughout the region.
There's a few things worth noting here and then I'll drop it. 
First is, damn near every time you see a story like this, it's almost exclusively black-on-black crimes, but the race of the shooters and victims is NEVER mentioned in the press. Why is that?
Also, if there had been a good guy with a legal weapon in the crowd, this might have ended much differently.
Third point - kids/people are no longer being taught the value of life. Must be a lack of parenting or some other bullshit. Juss' sayin'...


Coupla years ago I went to a bar with my uncle and his friend. Both of them are in their mid-50's, a bit younger than me. Anyway, his friend sees a woman his age at the end of the bar. They make eye contact. He asks the bartender to send her a drink. Then 30 mins later, another. We had a coupla pops together shooting the shit, and about 20mins later me and my Uncle havta split, so we say goodbye to his friend. 
When we're done and heading towards the door, my Uncle's buddy walks to the end of the bar - to the lady he hasn’t spoken to the whole time we’ve been there - and says “Are you ready to go?” She grabbed her purse, and they left together.”
Best pickup line - and move - I ever seen or heard.


Scarlet Anderson, a 28-year-old graphic designer who graduated from Arizona State with $33,000 in student-loan debt, told The Washington Post that though she consistently made payments toward her loans, it was still difficult to make a dent in the balance.
Shoulda thought of that before you took on the loans, Miss Scarlet. You debt is not our problem. Shut the fuck up and get a second job...



  1. Ask yourselves this question, Why is it when whites have parties they go home with goody bags and when blacks have parties they go home in body bags?

  2. I worked and paid for 2 years of community college and then transferred to a state university where I dropped out after a year when they lost their accreditation. I joined the military and got my AA while in the service. After I got out I got a Management of Information Systems BS back in 1990. Kids graduating high school know more about computers than I do today.

  3. Who the fuck do they think pays for all those Affirmative Action admitted students? It's the kids of the wealthy alumni. The legacy admitted. Who usually went to pricey private prep schools and are very well prepared to attend these elite universities. Because their parents weren't fools and ghetto trash, but made millions being successful. Usually because they were smart.

  4. Maybe it's just me, but it seems like every time we get a couple of favorable court rulings on guns, we have a spectacular mass shooting. Last week, a Federal Judge slapped down the ATF's creative "redefining" of frames and receivers amd SCOTUS decided to take up the issue of people with DV restraining orders being barred from firearms ownership.

    And re: the elimination of race-based college admissions: The last thing I want to find out before the sedation takes hold is that my surgeon was an affirmative-action admission and a diversity hire.

  5. That was his wife who 1. didn't want to interrupt his drinking time with his buddies, 2. bet him she could get picked up before he was finished drinking (she lost! )
