Tuesday, July 18, 2023

She may well be the ugliest politician of all time - and man, is that saying something...

I'm really beginning to wonder if it wouldn't be a bad idea to throw a couple of the states out of the Union. Certainly tossing Michigan and California would be a good start, but maybe we should also toss Oregon and Washington while we're at it. After all, those mad men up around Seattle elected this fuckin' whack job - and she's on her fourth term ferfucksake.
 Rep. Pramila Jayapal, D-Wash., chair of the Congressional Progressive Caucus, apologized Sunday for characterizing Israel as a “racist state.” Jayapal issued her criticism of Israel while attempting to quiet down a group holding up Palestinian flags at a conference for the progressive Netroots Nation over the weekend.

Juss' so yuz know, Pisa (in Italy) isn't the only city with a leaning tower. This one's in downtown Belfast, and it's no optical delusion - the sucker's leaning to the right. At least from this perspective it is, anyway. It's called the 'Albert Memorial Clock Tower'.

Obviously different rules apply these days.


Ford Motor Co. has cut the prices on its line of electric vehicle (EV) pickup trucks in an effort to challenge EV market leader Tesla. Ford said the reasoning behind the price reduction is to boost production of the vehicles, noting they saw improvements when the company achieved lower costs for battery material. That's such a crock of shit. They're lowering the prices because the trucks aren't selling because the idea of a personal work truck that runs on batteries is a stupid fuckin' idea that hopefully will eventually go away. Now, the cheapest you can get one'll be slighter OVER 50 G's. Go fuck yourself Ford. And I say that being a ford guy.
That's mine when it was relatively new up in Jersey. Brrrrrrrr

I drive an F-150. It's a 2005 and it has 190,000 miles on it. Runs like a champ, gets 16 +/- mpg, the shotgun window doesn't go down, the dashoard lights don't work, the tail lights have gone wonkey 4,000 friggin' times, and I don't dare wash the fucker - the dirt's probably the only thing that's holding it together, but I will never sell this thing. I'll drive it until one of us is dead.



Have a birthday or other special event
 coming up soon? Maybe you need to find
 a gift for someone special. How about this?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful handmade bracelet.

This is one of the lead stories on the front page of NJ.com - the website for the once-respected Newark Star Ledger. Obviously, I fucked around with the graphics (because their graphics sucked) , but it's a classic example of why these people have zero fuckin' credibility anymore. Is there really nothing else you could be reporting instead of pandering to your friggin' stoner base? Jeez.

Well,we got rid of that menace to society, and we 
still don't have world peace. Go figure, huh?

Every tie a showoff crashes,
an angel get's it's wings...

The olive oil industry is “in crisis”, and the heatwave in southern Europe is threatening to inflict the second bad harvest in a row and gaps on shelves this autumn. After a spring heatwave affected flowering in Spain, which produces about half of the global olive crop, the harvest was forecast to be only 28% up on last year, which was the worst in almost a decade. The International Olive Oil Council predicted that the country would produce 850,000 tonnes, compared with 1.3m tonnes in a typical year and just 660,000 last year. That forecast was issued before the current period of high temperatures.
The industry fears that production could end up being even worse as a second heatwave in a week brings temperatures of up to 43C this week to some southern parts of Spain, prompting trees to drop unripe fruits in order to preserve moisture.




  1. She needs to hit at least one more branch falling out of the ugly tree to take on Maxine Waters for that title...

  2. Re: Heat waves and olives. Since olives are grown in six states (California, Texas, Georgia, Florida, Arizona, Oregon, Alabama, and Hawaii)--isn't this an opportunity for US olive growers to take a part of the market? (Especially, if the heat wave continues in Europe for the foreseeable future)


Thank Twisted Hillbilly for giving us another stunning HillBetty...

I'm an absolute sucker for these  side-boob shots...