Thursday, July 13, 2023

More doom and gloom predictions, but at least this one may be legit...

WEST PALM BEACH, Fla. (CBS12) - According to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Florida might be running out of fresh drinking water. The state's current fresh water supply is projected to not be able to keep up with how many people are moving to the Sunshine State.
According to the National Association of Realtors, 318,855 people moved to Florida in 2022, that's a 1.9% increase in population. One city known for its bottled water, Zephyrhills, is growing so fast that in order to make sure it has enough fresh water for everyone it’s putting a pause on all new development for a year.
Between Zephyr Hills and Nestle's, the two water bottling companies suck more than two million gallons of water every single day out of Florida's aquifer. Maybe they should think about putting a stop to that. 

Honestly WTF is this thing people have about bottled water? 
My wife goes through a case of it every week by herself and I'm still drinking out of the fuckin' garden hose. Juss' sayin'...



Even the Yankees’ famed pinstriped uniforms are getting a corporate sponsorship patch. The team announced Wednesday that Starr Insurance will become the storied franchise’s signature partner, and the company’s logo will be featured on the club’s uniforms in a deal that will annually net the Yankees in the mid-$20 millions, according to a person with knowledge of the deal. The deal will run through 2031, and is believed to be the most lucrative in MLB history. The patches will debut beginning with the July 21 game against the Royals at Yankee Stadium. Did they really need the money? Ole' George is probably spinning in his grave over this...

Are ya jumpin' in yet, Skippy? I am. 
That's my 401k plan right there...

You know - if you ever find yourself back in action...


About a third of the U.S. homeless population is in California, and the state faces mounting questions about why billions of dollars spent in recent years hasn't reduced the number of people living in cars and encampments. 

We usta eat this stuff as kids - especially when we went camping and shit like that. Thinking back on it, and I can't remember the taste all that vividly, I gotta believe it was akin to some kinda fuckin' dog food. I don't even know if it even exists anymore. The only reason the ad caught my eye was remembering the absolute friggin' garbage we usta eat as kids - noting more, nothing less.

Costco now sells Jack Daniels by the barrel.
I wonder how many they actually do sell...


Have a birthday or other special event
 coming up soon? Maybe you need to find
 a gift for someone special. How about this?
Click on the picture for more information on this beautiful handmade bracelet.


In Georgia, no less. You go, girl...

I grew up in Newark, New Jersey in the '50's and I never once thought I was raised by lower income parents during a time when most everyone treated each other with respect. We didn't eat a lot of fast food because it was considered a treat, not a food group. We drank Kool-Aid made from water that came from our kitchen sink with real sugar. We ate bologna sandwiches, or even tuna, PB&J & grilled cheese sandwiches, hot dogs, pot pies, but mostly homemade meals consisting of pastas, meat, potatoes, vegetables, bread, butter, and homemade dessert.
We grew up during a time when we babysat, delivered newspapers, collected empty soda bottles for the return nickel and helped neighbors with chores to be able to earn our own money. 
We went outside a lot to play - boys would ride bikes, girls jumped double dutch, run with friends & played kid games, not video games. We drank tap water from the sink - bottled water was unheard of. If we had a coke - it was in a glass bottle and we didn’t break the bottle when finished.
After school, we came home and did homework and chores before going outside or having friends over. We would ride our bikes for hours. We had to tell our parents where we were going, who we were going with, and be home when the street lights came on.
You learned from your parents instead of disrespecting them, and treating them as if they knew absolutely nothing. What they said was law, and you did not question it, and you had better know it!!!
We watched what we said around our elders because we knew if we disrespected any grown-up we would get our asses kicked, and it wasn't called abuse, it was called discipline. We held doors, carried groceries, and gave up our seat for an older person without being asked. You didn't hear curse words on the radio in songs or TV, and if you cursed and got caught you had a bar of soap stuck in your mouth. But those were different times, weren't they?


There but for the Grace of God go I...


You probably couldn't quantify what kinda bitch she acually is. Juss' sayin'...



  2. The tactical hand signals only had Female and Male, you will now have to be cancelled for failing to acknowledge the other 55/57/102 or whatever the number is. /S

  3. Ref the Jack Daniels barrel.....if the owner doesn't go on and bottle it all, it just keeps evaporating away.

  4. I was a licensed water treatment plant operator for 30 years here in Florida. If you had seen what I saw you would be drinking bottled water like I do. The best water I ever drank came right out of the ground at my folks house in Avery County, NC.

  5. Probably the thing about buying water jugs is that there is so much crap in tap water that would kill a bull elephant. One example is the town I live in. Many towns do it, but this town puts flouride in the water. Contrary to what the government tells us, fluoride is a toxin and is NOT good for you. There are a LOT of details I could tell you, but the point is, I will not drink water with fluoride in it. So yeah, I buy my water in jugs, too.

  6. Florida is an old man's flaccid Đ hanging off the belly of that swampy morass known as southern Georgia into the Atlantic on the East and the Gulf on the West (with that little bit of cryptorchidism known as Apalachicola trying to descend into the Gulf) and yer tellin' me that the pundits worry about running out of water; our sandy peninsula's just lucky it hasn't yet suffered the same fate as Critias' Atlantis. Y' worry 'bout too much salt in the drinking water; hire the Israelis to set up desalinization plants (y' got plenty o' shoreline fer it) run by solar power (y' got plenty o' sunshine fer it!).
    Running out of fresh drinking water /s!

  7. I remember the Florida tap water as undrinkable due to a sulfur taste. Probably depends on where you are, but it was horrible near Lakeland.

  8. In re "There but for the grace of God....."


  9. Steve the EngineerJuly 13, 2023 at 4:24 PM

    please post a link to where we can buy that covid patch. The Zon has an "operation enduring clusterf&ck" patch but the one posted about is WAY betterer.

  10. The Underwood Deviled Ham still exists, and it is good. One small can will make two sandwiches.
