Saturday, July 29, 2023

Like her or hate her, she makes sense about this...

GOP 2024 presidential candidate and former U.N. Ambassador Nikki Haley told Iowa Republicans Friday that there should be "competency tests" for public officials after Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell, 81, apparently froze during a press conference earlier this week.
"We've got to have mental competency tests for anyone over the age of 75," Haley said during the Lincoln Day Dinner in Des Moines Friday. "That's why we have to have term limits, once and for all."
Read the rest of this article with video here:


  1. Here's another thought. How about we cut government size and government power by 95% so we don't have to worry about who gets elected? That was pretty much the intention of the founding fathers, but obviously we went off the rails a very, very long time ago. There are no perfect deny them absolute power.

  2. A better idea would be the repeal of the 17th Amendment - the one authorizing direct elections of senators - that way they're not only appointed by their respective states, but they could be recalled at any time! As for the competency tests...........who would declare who and who is not competent? The same creatures running the show now would simply declare anyone they don't like to be incompetent and that would be the end of it. The conversation is a good start though.
    What would really be great is if we could get Trump back in the Oval Office and have him put through his plan for "Title F", I believe it is. That way, he can have upwards of around 70% of the bureaucracy declared contractors and have them summarily fired, thus, eliminating a large portion of the problem. Oh what a glorious day that would be!!!

  3. By the time the 17th was ratified, most of the states were already simply "endorsing " the elections of the citizens. Repealing the 17th wouldn't change that, and knowing everyone's attitude about "democracy" I would imagine that most if not all states would simply do that going forward. As for firing these reprobates, I don't really see that happening either. Let's face it, the human turtle keeps getting elected because Kentucky likes their political power in the senate. That's why so many of these walking dean RINOS and dems keep getting re-elected.

  4. She'd be more believable if she had said this anytime in the last 2 years or the last few months when DiFi returned.

  5. Oh yeah! Competency Tests! Quick question- who will conduct the competency tests? The very government these doddering fools comprise? OAC? Fester from Pennsylvania? Musty Marge? Moscow Mitch? They're the top contestants, not credible judges of abilities! (Judges mean "deciders", so our elected servants may comprehend.)


Who am I to bitch about the weather?

It doesn't matter if they're big Hollywood movie stars or just every-day Joes and Jills, this fire thing out there is just friggin...