Monday, July 10, 2023

Joe screws the pooch - again - this time with King Charles...

 Biden arrived at Windsor Castle to meet King Charles on Monday after snubbing his coronation in May, and as he faces claims he is anti-British. The pair met for talks focusing on climate on the eve of the crunch NATO summit in Lithuania. The president is spending just 24 hours in London, sparking questions over why a full British state visit hasn't been planned. Biden earlier tried to quash claims he is anti-British by sipping tea with Prime Minister Rishi Sunak in the garden of 10 Downing Street. The president said US-British relations are 'rock solid' and hammered home that he and Sunak had held talks multiple times in recent months. It follows a trip to Northern Ireland and Ireland where he was accused of snubs and anti-British jibes. 'It's good to be back,' he said, joking, 'We've only been meeting once a month.'

The full story with more pictures is here. How embarassing:


  1. A total embarrassment.

  2. You just don't talk to/irritate/touch/make fun of/block a Coldstream Guard. Joe is a pathetic idiot, but we ALL know it...

  3. "Entering talks with King Charles". Bwahaha. Charlie could have a more intelligent conversation with a doorknob than Pedo Joe.

  4. And yet, 75% of democrats (socialist/communists), when asked, think he's doing a fine job.....
