Wednesday, July 12, 2023

In the land of fruits and nuts, they let thrill-killers go free. Are they that hard up for votes? - Leslie Van Houten, a former follower of notorious cult leader Charles Manson, has been released on parole after serving more than five decades of a life sentence for two brutal murders.
Van Houten, 73, was a 19-year old member of the "Manson family" when she took part in the murder of a Los Angeles grocer and his wife in 1969. Five previous bids for her parole were blocked by California's governors. That decision was later reversed by a state appeals court.
A former homecoming queen, Van Houten was the youngest Manson follower to be convicted of murder for her role in the death of a California grocer Leno LaBianca and his wife Rosemary.
During the killings - which took place just days after the murder of actress Sharon Tate and four others - Van Houten held down Rosemary LaBianca while someone else stabbed her. She later also admitted that she stabbed the woman after she was dead.

Read about this despicable cunt here:


  1. What roles did the US government play in both Manson and the murders? When we hear that Kazynsky was a victim of MKUltra, its hard not to wonder about what else these CIA criminals were up to.

  2. I hope the family of the LaBiancas are polishing their front sights

  3. She should've been shot at the time, along with manson and the rest....end of story.....

  4. I do so wish that "Once Upon a Time in Hollywood" was how it had actually turned out. Especially the flamethrower bit.


I'm not here, but Calvin is...