Wednesday, July 19, 2023

In case you missed Waters' first show, it was pretty good, with some good advice... - Fox News host Jesse Watters received a lot of advice from his mother on air on the very first night of his show on the network in which he replaced a primetime slot previously hosted by Tucker Carlson.
Watters’ mother has sent critical text messages to her son since 2017, when he became co-host of The Five. Later, producers introduced a segment called “Mom Texts” in which he regularly read aloud his mother’s texts to him. On his first night as Carlson’s replacement on the 8pm ET slot on 17 July, his mother started by congratulating him.
“Congratulations, honeybun. We are so proud of you and your accomplishments . Now let’s aim to have you keep your job. And to that end, I do have some suggestions,” she told her son on his Jesse Watters Primetime. “Do not tumble into any conspiracy rabbit holes. We do not want to lose you and we want no lawsuits, OK?” she said.


  1. Just another reason he needs to pay no attention to such advice, unless he just wants to be another in a cast of dozens of Fox personnel who will fail because the audience won't trust them to go where the facts lead.

  2. To Jesse's Mom.....conspiracy theorists 772, leftist nuts zero.....they're only theories until they become the truth....

  3. In a military tribunal, members of the media can be tried as " enemy combatants " - AL Tru


It's not Groundhog Day again, is it?

New York Post - A crazed groundhog set its sights on a fallen jogger in  New Jersey, only to be thwarted by a quick-thinking teen.The hogwil...